To Catch a Predator
Please help in the fight for the LGBTQ Community to bring “To Catch a Predator” and similar organizations to justice.
The organization “To Catch a Predator” is invading privacy laws, human rights, deprivation of people’s names/representation/image, falsifying information/documents/statements, and are breaking countless Local, County, State and Federal laws. This type of breech of people’s privacy and freedoms/rights by organizations like “To Catch a Predator,” needs to have some action taken to hold accountable these organizations and the people/groups operating them.

Vivi commented
I agree that these types of groups are just bullies and all they want is just to be famous on YouTube for showing they are the good guys. Unfortunately all of them are rude to police, they never face charges for their accusation, and they just humiliate people. They target LGBT people, people with mental disabilities, and anyone who does not agree with them. They also claim the police are not doing enough but that is just misleading. Police have a process and all these guys do is ruin the process. They have a task force to handle this issue and they know how to handle it. I wish Grindr (plus adult dating sites) and many mainstream social media platforms would just stop these guys. This is just a bunch of people who think they can make communities safer when they're doing the opposite.
Jere Carrier commented
These people passively manipulate chat conversations by talking in an in direct but direct manner, just enough for them to curtail a certain type of vibe for the audience to justify as truth. The brand itself does majority of the gap filing. id say 50%, the remaining is 20% = tone, 20% approach. The 10‰ left unacounted is the percentile that gets overseen and totally disregarded and that's the semantic manipulation of the applied linguistics. Being the English vocabulary there is so much opportunity to exploit.
I agree those clowns have no respect. They are harassing victims of a, learned behavior that is tied and rooted in the residential school/boarding school era, at least with the indigenous people they target. During an era of reconciliation one would expect that protection of these people would be taken into consideration by internet service providers, moderators, or even the losers posting such defamatory media. At the expense of the health of all and of the lives of some, they would say about TB. The internet is just as lethal to indigenous people as much as TB is. There's not many indigenous people in comparison to other groups. So when they do this to us, were more easily to be identified and subject to illegitimate harassment. Its totally wrong. People lose their careers, families, education, community and their lives over something that is the federal governments job to do. They have the most sophisticated, innovative and advanced intelligent technologies to conduct their duties for pedicides and the like.
Its shameful people obsessively empower these crooks when it's being used as a weapon to get someone harmed. Or perhaps that's exactly what it is and always was since it's inception?? And never really for vigilante purposes. Then that's criminal harassment, if not manslaughter, defamation, slander and libel. Modern day reality comes to mind, it's genocide! The status quo, being genocide. This type of media gives secondary clause to carry on prejudice with a justification by this disgusting campaign. So its a racist persons golden ticket to publicly harass without being scrutinized for discrimination based on racism, but it is suddenly "OK" to do it for these other reasons. This society is a sick society. Totally morally diseased. It thrives off misery but the country designated is founded on murder, rape and fraud. How can I be surprised.. wow.