Make the received pictures viewable by tapping
Please consider making it so that we don't have to see received pictures unless we want to. This feature would be like Instagram's photo sent in DM, you would have to tap it to see. It doesn't have to be a disappearing picture on Gridnr, meaning once you view it, it would still remain in the chat. But please consider making it so that one would have to tap the message to see the picture, like "Picture received. Tap to view." This way a lot of us would be spared from having to see d*ck picks and whatnot on a daily basis. Maybe some users enjoy that, but many also don't. I, for one, deleted the app and my account because of the many unwanted sexual pictures received. I just want to have normal conversations with people without having to see all that other stuff. If I want that kind of stuff i can always ask for it, but please don't force me to have to see it without me wanting this. Anybody else feels like the "Tap to view" feature would be a great one that improves app safety and user-friendliness?