Erase all photos ever sent
It would be important from a security perspective that any user has the option to have all the content erased from all conversations (especially pictures). That way privacy can be maintained for discreet people and if you decide to log out for a while then no one has access to the photos you sent while you're away from the app.

Sigurd commented
This is so important to privacy, and it's strange that it isn't forced by law to offer this.
jaunee commented
The only way to take back photos you already sent is block them, this is unfortunate, with no other option.
Gordon Bryant commented
Erased from where? Grindr doesn't store anything for you, not photos or messages etc . That chat Back up feature stores on your device not Grindr or people wouldn't always say lost chat. They Lost it because they uninstalled the app and when you do that you are deleting the storage file that contained all that. That's why you can't access photos and chat from another device that you sign in with. Again other apps like Skruff and Snapchat store your information on their servers and that security feature can be Skruff, banking apps and many secure ones deactivate screenshot ability. And logging out doesn't delete or protect these, that's why people who don't know how to properly hide things from whoever,they uninstall the app and it deletes it all.
Emil commented
Yes, like a snapchat and no screenshot .
Vengeful Toaster commented
expiring photo exists.