Please restore ethnicity filter
I am Asian, and I would like to have the ethnicity filter option back. As a "minority", I don't think the filter option is racist. It offers me choices. Sometimes I want to search for Asians for example,, and if there is this option, it will make my search much easier to find.
Anonymous commented
Let someone know what you're into without having to ignore someone you're not interested in.
Anonymous commented
Please ask users: What is your type - ethnicity, etc.
People who are that specific type should be able to have a filter to view users who actually are interested in your ethnicity. This can wave out a lot of time and hours spent
countless asking people if they're interested without a response back, etc. At least you know that race wasn't an issue to the people that you see. I hope this makes sense as well. -
Steven El Triunfador commented
This needs to be addressed in the gay community and not just Grindr. Grindr is complicit in ostracism of lgbtq people of color. This feature is mostly used by white cis gay men in my experience, not only ****** but even if they are looking for friendship. Race is an antiquated social construct rooted in racism and to uphold white supremacy. You’ve got to do better.
Anonymous commented
******* RACIST!
Ron commented
This feature allows me to search for men who are looking for my race. This also avoids the issue of those that are not looking for men of my race and the embarrassment that can sometimes occur after someone decides that they want to be racist ***. Sad but true.
Frank commented
As a dark skinned man, I couldn’t agree more. It’s about time we have a mechanism to make people aware of a racist profile. Blocking isn’t enough because they’ll still stay and harass all the others. Racism is not something to play with. We’re already a minority as gay man, we shouldn’t feel unsafe on Grindr
Anonymous commented
Ethnicity should be made free. Very soon you'll lose to new apps
Anonymous commented
As a user in Malaysia, I would love if I can choose the race/ethnicity.. In Malaysia, we have Malay, Indian, Chinese, etc. Some of us, we have our own choice. For example, as a Malay in Malaysia, I prefer to hang out with Malay gay.
Anonymous commented
Great idea
Nick commented
Can't figure out why me and my partner are the only gay white guys in Victoria.
Anonymous commented
Being able to hide your profile from people who do not meet the requirements of your preferred category.
So if you select "no men over 40" then all profiles that show men over 40 will not be able to see your profile or make contact with you. Or if race is an issue then you can select white, black, asian or whoever else and then all other races cannot see your profile or contact you.
Anonymous commented
See only those you wish to connect with without having to pay all the time.
Anonymous commented
Grindr should allow free members to filter Race since people have preferences
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to filter the guys by race and age. Sometimes we don't want to see old guys or guys of a certain race on our grindr. And we can only block so many people in a day. It would be better if there were a filter preventing us from seeing certain users.
Anonymous commented
Selection by ethnicity option
Anonymous commented
I think you should be able to search a race you prefer and not have to see everyone you are not interested in
Bryan commented
To be able select the nationaly background you want to search for example you only want to look at asian people profile or latino profile, etc. Without paying the premium..
Anonymous commented
Not into asian, not into fat, not into fems, etc should not be allowed on profiles. It gives negative effect to the discriminated group. We need to stop discrimination and racism on grindr its too common
Naveen commented
Include Indian and Chinese as options both countries are different races than Asian and south Asian. Both combined are close to half of the global population. Again is multi ethnic again every miles in India culture, cuisine, language (both written and spoken) change. So India atleast deserves to identified separately
Paul commented
This feature would allow people to mark more than one ethnicity instead of just "mixed".