Please restore ethnicity filter
I am Asian, and I would like to have the ethnicity filter option back. As a "minority", I don't think the filter option is racist. It offers me choices. Sometimes I want to search for Asians for example,, and if there is this option, it will make my search much easier to find.
Daniel commented
For the ones that are paying to use this app, bring back. Sorry there are sexes on here that I don’t want to see or appeal to me. It’s a filter of all things.
Anonymous commented
I'm a man of color and at first I had the ethnicity option it disappears I would like to communicate with men of color black me please add that to my options ASAP
Anonymous commented
I don't like grindr as much as I did because you can't pick the race you want anymore. bring back the filter. I don't like that you can't do that any more
Blue commented
Without the ethnicity filter, my grindr is just full of white guys.
Anonymous commented
You should add the Ethnicity search for all just like you have the Age Search for all. I am attracted to older black men. I find it impossible to use your app while I navigate through all the twinks of all color to locate a few mature black men. Impossible piece of **** app and I refuse to pay since you change your paid features And offer no refunds.
Anonymous commented
I have also canceled mine because of this. This discussion board is dominated by these requests but apparently no one is listening.
Get it right Grindr or you'll end up going the way of nonexistent. -
Anonymous commented
I agree. It stinks.
I have a white friend who prefers only black guys.
Bring it back. -
Motzamai commented
Let's have ethnic filter back.
Anonymous commented
In all actually we should use the terms and conditions,with federal and state law to sue Grindr in a class action lawsuit. For but not limited to the false advertisement for those of us that pay for the service. And those that have access to looking for the type of person they wish to be with. Then add to the class action lawsuit for Grindr implementation that we that used and wish to have certain race for but not limited to dating are racist.
Anonymous commented
In all actually we should use the terms and conditions,with federal and state law to sue Grindr in a class action lawsuit. For but not limited to the false advertisement for those of us that pay for the service. And those that have access to looking for the type of person they wish to be with. Then add to the class action lawsuit for Grindr implementation that we that used and wish to have certain race for but not limited to dating are racist.
michael commented
explain how this feature is being racist pls. then explain how u decide to take away our freedom of vhoice. then explain how its different for us looking for someone we are attracted to and you telling us we cannot look for someone we are attracted to. then explsin how we paid for a feature and you took it away without a refund. explain how that does not make you a theif ??
Anonymous commented
Hi. I’m white. My bf is Black. But in our particular area we both wish we could filter out black. Not because we don’t like black. But because literally 100 drug dealers with an ice cream ? symbol or 300 prostitutes soliciting thier big black **** is a really disgusting disease infested problem. We can have all other races on our screen. But when you forced that one onto all of us. We can’t block 10,000 people in our area. Currently we are both app developers and a lawyer and trying to think of our own app to get around this.
Jesse commented
I want to be able to see my messages
David commented
I love my black young twink boys unfare when searching no black profiles appear in my search
Ry commented
It's rediculous to determine that ****** preference has anything to do with racism. Are you going to remove the position filter next so people can't descriminate against top bottom or verses... Or maybe tribes... I have a multicultural group of friends and lots of them have ****** preferences too. I often chat with people that message me that I'm not interested in to make more friends. But I don't sexualized them. You have over 3k requests to add the filter back. What's it going to take?
James commented
Definitely need to bring back the ethnicity filter. Its not anymore racist than being gay is being sexist (and its not sexist at all - we all know who and what we like)
Morgan commented
Please put race back as search option. I only go with Latinos. why did you take that option away?
fuk me commented
Grinder is playing the political game to be a ****! NOT BUYING XTRA with this B.S!
Joe commented
Grinder is playing the political game to be a ****! NOT BUYING XTRA with this B.S!
Anonymous commented
This is the way to get them to change. Do not pay period.