Expand choices under "POSITION"
The choices under the options of position, those choices should be expanded to include a oral option or a blank fill in option,, as it is, it assumes a person is top or bottom or both ways , when there are other ways to enjoy your sexuality.

Lawrence Porier commented
Loo yeah you need to be able to split the tops in the bottoms up that way you don't have people coming and telling you how to lie about them too
Kale Smith commented
Can we please get a 'switch' option for the positions. I know we have versatile but that doesn't exactly define what you're into. As someone who likes to both top and bottom that would be a lot more helpful when searching for others of the same.
Jay commented
Now that we have Side, please add "no sex" as a position for asexuals and people who genuinely only want to socialize.
gian gema commented
I think this filter should be free. Grindr will be useless if all of the people in your area are bottom or not your type. It’ll be harder to find one since you have to buy unlimited to have access to farther locations. If not, make the price affordable atleast.
El Cochino commented
Position options. I'd like to see an, Oral Only, option.
jnathus commented
It is a massive waste browsing a profile, then getting to find out he's another top. It should be the next filter point after age, maybe even the first.
Mark D. commented
Add Power Bottom or a full in to Position to better describe your preferences.
Mark D. commented
Add Power Bottom or a full in to Position to better describe your preferences.
Matijas commented
Not everybody likes anal sex, some (like me) prefer oral only so please just add "no anal sex", or "oral sex only" option...
[Deleted User] commented
I was looking to make this idea and found this instead. I completely agree that the position filter should bef ree. Tribes and "Looking For" are completely optional and flexible. However, your sexual position is completely integral to gay dating.. there's really no reason for me to be looking at profiles that will end up being other tops..
Because of how integral it is to gay dating I don't see how any dating site or app that's geared towards gay guys would have this behind a pay wall.. I'd gladly pay for the other filters but age and position are absolutely necessary.
Anonymous commented
So I’m a guy who’s really not into anal. It’s assumed that all guys look for anal on Grindr, but some of us are gay, wanna have fun, but not fuck anally. So I suggest adding some other options to the “position” list so this is clear from the beginning and we, too, can indicate what we’re into. For example “oral play” “handjobs” or “rimming” could be added.
Anonymous commented
Add oral to the position creiteria
Anonymous commented
I think it would be beneficial and more productive for users to receive a filter on positions for FREE. It’ll make it easier for users to find and connect with other users who fit their position filter. There isn’t a reason why it shouldn’t be free and it would make the interface more user friendly I believe. I’m also tired getting messages from other bottoms haha.
Bo commented
Please add profile position NO AN@L for those who doesn't want that.
Anonymous commented
It's so annoying to search for guys but now you can't choose top or bottom like you used to. Please make that a free feature!
Anonymous commented
Have a filter/sort for position for free members. Would make looking for guys easier.
Anonymous commented
Please add an "oral" option.Not all of us identify or are strictly into ********
Tsotne commented
Make role filter for free users.The free filters are well but to except the age filter, the tribe and the looking for filter are very useless.I don't care if someone is a bear or if he's just looking for dates.The important thingis if he's compatible to me in a ****** way.The other apps have that filter for tops, vers or bottoms. If I'm a bottom, what am I supposed to do with another bottom?
Rome commented
There should be a free filter to narrow down what position a person is so we’re not wasting time going through all the guys. So bottoms can just see potential Tops and Tops can just see all the bottoms.
Anonymous commented
Enable ‘role’ filter for regular Grindr users.