Add COVID Vaccination status and/or quarantine status
There should be an option to add your COVID vaccination status for the safety of all of the community, especially essential workers and personnel. A resource page could be added to help direct people to a page where they can find info on vaccination availability in their area and time frame. Options could be "Vaccinated", "Partially Vaccinated", "Plan to vaccinate", and "No plan to vaccinate".
Hi there,
With our new "Tags" feature, we have added a "vaccinated" tag so that you can find users who are also vaccinated!
Coolbiguy commented
User can send in their vaccine cards to show they got the vaccine and that can be marked on their profiles.
Sam K. commented
An option to indicate if one has been vaccinated and/or spread wisdom about the safety of receiving the vaccine once the time comes.
Jakob commented
Add Covid-19 vaccinated Option
Anonymous commented
There should be options for covid status/vaccination status available to add to profiles. This is almost as important as HIV status.
Jakob commented
Add a COVID-19 vaccinated option
dret787 commented
No! More discrimination is never a good thing. Covidophobia must be stopped before it gets as bad as racism and homophobia. We of all people should know better.
dret787 commented
No, that's covidophobia. We don't need more forms of discrimination.
Anonymous commented
Isn't it a good idea add covid 19status just like HIV status?
Erick commented
You should add COVID-19 status same as the HIV status option