Add COVID Vaccination status and/or quarantine status
There should be an option to add your COVID vaccination status for the safety of all of the community, especially essential workers and personnel. A resource page could be added to help direct people to a page where they can find info on vaccination availability in their area and time frame. Options could be "Vaccinated", "Partially Vaccinated", "Plan to vaccinate", and "No plan to vaccinate".
Hi there,
With our new "Tags" feature, we have added a "vaccinated" tag so that you can find users who are also vaccinated!
Anonymous commented
I think there should be a filter for vaxxed or unvaxxed
Anonymous commented
Is becoming critical now to be able to search by CAVID-19 Vaccinated or other vaccination in general such as Flu shot.
Jay commented
Put a section under your profile if u have been recently tested for COVID-19 to let others know we’re you stand in the matter
Wolfyboi commented
Ah yes the covid passport, currently I am against that due to the stigma attached to it all right now. But depending on how it goes this could be a good idea. Just not right now imo.
Anonymous commented
Covid status and vaccination should be incorporated and classified just as HIV status exists.
Anonymous commented
During this pandemic, it is important to be extra cautious around others. Therefore, there should be a “fully vaccinated”, “partially vaccinated” or “unvaccinated” filter that allows users to state whether or not they have been vaccinated against COVID. This will allow us to meet up with those we deem safe to be around with.
HornyLad commented
Would it not be a good idea to have in the profile section whether or not we have had One, or Double Jabbed against Covid19.
This would be very similar to what have for HIV status.
Learner 2360 commented
COVID information resource is valuable, but too many people are ignoring quarantine zones anyway.
Aurélien commented
It would be great to make a filed criteria about covid vaccination status. And for those who are vaccinated to get the option to scan the QRCode of vaccination. And of course a filter available about covid vaccination status
Nathan commented
Drop Down Box Yes or No if immunised for Covid 19
Nathan commented
Drop Down arrow Option if immunised for Covid
wanderlust commented
given the current covid 19 situation. we should be able to enter whats our status for e.g fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, not vaccinated and covid recovered . This will enable us to approach profiles accordingly ( similar to how u have hiv today on the app )
wanderlust commented
given the current covid 19 situation. we should be able to enter whats our status for e.g fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, not vaccinated and covid recovered . This will enable us to approach profiles accordingly ( similar to how u have hiv today on the app )
Anonymous commented
Being fully vaccinated may help and encourage others for safer hookups, thus taking care of your own health and of others they meet too!
Noah commented
There should be a filter to sort people who have had their Covid vaccines or some kind of profile indication whether or not someone is vaccinated
Anonymous commented
Good Morning
You should add a question to the profile that’s the answer is shown to all, have you received your 1st or 2nd or on waiting list for Covid vaccine
7.5uc Bi Latino commented
Now that vaccines are becoming a common thing, having a section to ask us which COVID-19 vaccination(s) we received and the dates.
Not yet [_]
Will not [_]
Pfizer [_]
- 1st [Date:________] 2nd [Date:_______]Moderna [_]
- 1st [Date:________] 2nd [Date:_______]Johnson & Johnson [Date:_______]
Anonymous commented
Need a category for COVID vaccination, like you do with HIV testing.
Brock93257 commented
How about a COVID-19 vaccination status
Anonymous commented
Just a suggestion but can you guys add Covid-19 vaccinated to the profile?