screen rotation
automatically rotate the app when the phone is turned, so it's capable of displaying in "landscape" mode as well as "portrait" every other app under the sun is capable of doing (well, almost anyway).

Chayse Taylor commented
Let the screen rotate while using the app on any screen
Rob commented
I need landscape mode for iPad PLEASE
Ryan Hayes commented
Totally agree, it should rotate to landscape on iPad!
Daniel Keele commented
I need landscape mode on my iPAD.
Cameron Young commented
Harry Franco Jr. commented
I need a landscape mode for my ipad.
Niz Polifik commented
Want rotation on my screen
Nathaniel White commented
PLEASE make Lanscape mode a thing for IPads (+IPad Pro) PLEASE
GA Sherman commented
Why doesn’t this work or why has it been disabled.
From a coding stand point, I don’t see this being a major redesign that would cascade through the programming requiring more code. This is a setting that should be straight forward. Granted it’s not adding a new item to a drop down list but it’s not that labor intensive .
Dan Baker commented
Does anyone use their iPad in portrait orientation? Common!
Ward Bond commented
in Chromebook the app browse and profile picture is about 300% larger than the frame it's we get a 1/3 vertical slash of the photo that is grainy and blurry... it should redirect us to the old web version but "within" the app like html withina banking app stillsecure but with laptops screen ratio etc....
Jason Connolly commented
I don't know why Grindr doesn't work for Ipad. You should be able to use Grindr on landscape mode. The fact it doesnt work on landscape makes it unable on IPad given all Ipads are designed to be used landscape. Tinder does it so when you rotate the screen to landscape it scales down like an Iphone size. I have tried everything to get this to work including Android emulators but it seems like simple functionality that should be by this day and age workable.
Anonymous commented
I fully agree. On chromebooks the app works great except for distorted and cut off tiles. Also lots of wasted screen space that could be used.
Anonymous commented
screen looks distorted in chromebooks. Would be nice if tiles were at least not cut off or warped. Full screen and landscape would be great. Lots of real estate lost in my 11 inch chromebook which I hear is not supported.. hope it would be. Thanks.
Jaylen Sartore commented
Seriously How does this app not have screen orientation???
NK commented
You are one of the few apps left without landscape mode😳
Mick Wearn commented
Hi there i wanted to let you know that if like me you change your phones text or screen resolution so you can see it better the grindr tags
James Jay commented
its been a year the the screen still does not rotate? what's the issue is it really that hard for you guys to make that change.
Anonymous commented
Is it that much money mr app developer man? To make it so the app rotates when attached to the less than magical apple keyboard? Mmmm? I waste valuable seconds detaching the iPad, then retraining myself to type with my finger…I exaggerate, I’m really mad at Apple, but they are clever and blame the apps… you’re already charging an obscene amount of money to not even verify age or identity, make the app rotate! K thnxs! Byeeeeeeeee
Anonymous commented
I found a glitch that makes the screen rotate if anyone is interested. I usually pay for grinder as well, but recently let my account return to the status with Ads. If you go to your main screen of those nearby you, scroll down to the picture of the person directly 2 pics up from the first ad. Click that profile. Exit the profile, then click the ad below, let it maximize to full screen then exit out of it either using the “done” button or clicking the rim of the screen and the screen magically rotates. This is an amazing glitch for those of us with IPads!