Search by free-form text in profile bios
Would be great to be able to search for key words in profiles.
Please make profiles free-form text searchable so we can find better matches and increase connections, whether that be for hookups, friends, dates, networking, and/or relationships.
Searching by tags is a step in the right direction—thank you—but it’s too confining and unreliable :/
Anonymous commented
Plsss share and vote
Anonymous commented
If we are going to search any location.we are free to message to him.,’ sample if we are in manila and you wont find new friends In laguna you can search the location and free message him.
Jamss commented
Meeting new people should be free. Just talking. It's not like I'm going to drive 500 miles to hook up
Anonymous commented
Hope i can search and explore from other countries for free..
Anonymous commented
Add options to narrow your search down by categories that are important, such as age, ethnicity, ****** position, looking for, location, etc.
Anonymous commented
I enjoy my experience on Grindr, where I've met some wonderful guys.
Redmanhzi commented
Have a search ? for profiles of interest
Anonymous commented
Let us access any region on the globe for free. Stop embracing the sensorship And reporting inapropriate profiles. You are encouraging mean people and toxic social environment. I see that so far the only imprivment suggested is the reporting. Pathetic.
Anonymous commented
We should be able to chat wid people in foreign countries too and people in different areas
Anonymous commented
Please unlock explore chat so that we can chat and make new friends out side from the city
Anonymous commented
I guess if we explore other countries profile .it should be free n n unlocked so if some1 travel there they can communicate before
Anonymous commented
Have the chance to talk to people all around the world with out limitation, like messenger have video chat. More blocking on advertisements, and annoying grindr members
Anonymous commented
Make it free for all users to use! This way who knows where u may meet your love fling etc!
Anonymous commented
Like in Romeo or Hornet. Users are able to see change their location and chat with people all over the world ( limited conditions apply in every app) but makes it easier to contact when travelling .
D.H. commented
Allow searches in other states for free.
Kaizer Yuan commented
It would be easy to connect to everyone when explore feature is free.
Anonymous commented
searching key words in profile. Can search by interests, into, etc.
Arup commented
looking for exploring more guys by entering my location manually wherever i wanna explore in maps as Planet Romeo
Shan commented
1. Can chat with other state guys
2. Can see all state guys profiles.
3. Vedio call -
Anonymous commented
Profile search