Unique username / profile ID
Help others find you by giving out your username, or vice versa.
(Shareable profiles)

Anonymous commented
Make it possible to search by nickname
Anonymous commented
There should be an option to search up names like rest of other social medias.
Anonymous commented
I used to be able to search for a profile name in my chat history. Was this feature removed in the latest version? How can I search now?
Elijah commented
Search usernames instead of always locations
Ian commented
It would be great if we had a twitter-like searching system (tool/bar), so we can search by a friend username and we can go to their profile besides proximity so we can stay more connected.
Iwan commented
A search bar so that we can search for guys
Raghid commented
Hey, I would love to see „search“ button to look for profiles per name...
Anonymous commented
Search by username, and have the ability to narrow it by city or zip code.
Imin01 commented
find unlimited contacts just like Facebook. view and search unlimited profiles
Anonymous commented
It'd be nice if Grindr allows users to search for names to check profile.
Well Grindr is already doing a lot for free still.... -
Daniel commented
Be able to recommend a guy to a friend if you think they would be a great match!
Jay commented
Usernames so you can find people you've met on nights out
Anonymous commented
We should be able to search people by keying in their profile names
Anonymous commented
Username or unique identifier search function because sometimes it's hard to find the same person again if not close enough and if not favorited.
Anonymous commented
Just a way to look up people by their name or their profiles. Oh and the ability to block people shouldn’t be restricted based on payment cuz harassment and cyber bullying is real...do we need to lose anymore of our beautiful lgbtq family members because of hate of stalking or things that unlimited blocking could be a preventative solution for.... #alllivesmatter
Anonymous commented
Search somone by profile name
Anonymous commented
Allow us to look for specific nick name. If I meet someone that I think could be a good match for a friend, I will be likely to provide the profile name to my friend so he can search for it without being close enough.
Vickey naksha commented
Search for one profile. Currently there is no way, so kindly improve it. Am ready to pay
ANU commented
There should be search option by profile name and city
Anonymous commented
Add a search button that can locate any profile by their username.