Unique username / profile ID
Help others find you by giving out your username, or vice versa.
(Shareable profiles)

Anonymous commented
Absolutely!! I've been looking for a "friend " her name is "Kate!" Bout 40ish, pretty sure she isnt a trans. If anyone knows her PLEASE, hit me up!! Thx!!
Anonymous commented
Search bar, for known profile names in case if accidental deletion of messages or didnt remember to favorite profile
Mirko commented
Sarebbe bello e comodo poter effettuare una ricerca utenti inserendo diversi dati
ES: nickname, fascia eta, zona. -
Anonymous commented
Search for sun
Anonymous commented
I prefer a name searching function in Grindr
Anonymous commented
Search for users by username
Kairus commented
Please include username search
Anonymous commented
You should be able to find profile by name
R commented
Bringing usernames would most certainly minimize the use of fake profiles as people would try to stick to their user names and would not go for creating new accounts daily.
Anonymous commented
We need a search option some can look for members that we have talked to when something or if something happens where we lose our account and cant find friends that we spoke with
Steve commented
I have accidentally blocked someone before and once that happens, all chat history is lost. If the person is not within a certain radius, I cannot make contact with them unless I see him online. I typically remember the profile name and if I had the ability to search by name, I would be able to reconnect with them again.
Jackson Hern commented
Profile handle / username. Have a username that you can search / lookup.
Alexander Mateo commented
With Consent!
Anonymous commented
Let me look for someone by their user name. I do pay for the app, seems only fair. All the other apps you compete with have this feature free.
Pablo Angel commented
Just be able to search by name. So even when offline you can find your buds and favorite then
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to search profiles for specific keywords or by name. Occassionally, I will come across someone that I want to message, the app will refresh and I have to scroll through many profiles to find them again.
Anonymous commented
To be able to search person by user name
James Bach commented
Search membership
James Bach commented
Need to search membership
Anonymous commented
give name search option