david atess commented
Yes this is a fantastic idea!
Especially now in Australia as a specific race are leaving off their ethnicity all together then making you guess.
I think they should not be able to see my ethnicity which I make public if they are wanting to be tricky and hide theirs.
Just wastes times and someone always gets offended. -
Anonymous commented
Great idea! I think this will improve the safety of the app
I have place 👇 commented
If you want verified face pics go to Tami or go to some gay Grindr app.
If I want to remain discreet, I should have that option. Some guys are here strictly for sex without the faintest idea of a relationships -
Michael Hunt commented
If you want verified face pics go to Tami or go to some gay marriage app.
If I want to remain discreet, I should have that option. Some guys are here strictly for sex without the faintest idea of a relationship. If you are not into nsa sex then don't click on blank profiles!!! -
Sandro Baeza commented
Podría ser con un código que te llega al celular, como WhatsApp
Jay Edwin Cortez commented
Two factor verification.
First stage - Grindr verification via pic/poss or pic/word, pic/vid etcSecond factor - Social Verification
When within proximity of another Grindr user AND Bluetooth is on - App will open a dialog window asking to verify that user/each other.Both can see each other’s response.
Penalized for not verifyingGive a social verification:
+ real as advertised
= real
- catfishThis could trigger at a bar and someone you never talked to suddenly is presented w your profile asking to verify. Could be useful on multiple fronts or could be a privacy mode where doesn’t trigger is n users are present.
Jay Edwin Cortez commented
This is a nice idea but these systems are easily fooled. I can create a pic of a dude that doesn’t exist and then pose him easily. Can even automate the process. GANNs are fun. However I wouldn’t do this but it can be done.
W41K3R 27606 commented
Alex Palmer commented
Immediately improve the user experience by limiting the ways in which fake profiles destroy the community. I’ve been cat-fished multiple times, daily, since installing the app. It’s borderline traumatizing to be constantly screwed with in this manner.
Fix it!
Ricardo Alanis commented
Deberían empezar a verificar perfiles y no permitir perfiles sin foto, hay mucho robo de identidad y muchos delitos fuertes por culpa de esos perfiles, grindr, pongan verificación de rostro, yo se que es perder usuarios, pero ustedes tienen una responsabilidad social y todos los delitos que se han generado gracias a esto es con la app que ustedes desarrollan.
Anonymous commented
To be honest and Frank I'd verification isn't a recognised form for identifying criminal or illegal activities and if you really think that it will cut down crime and the fraudsters or bots it doesn't it's the same as any other crime that has been subject to law alterations or even the sentences being increased. Crime pays whether they are straight bisexual gay or something else it's entirely likely that the person committing a offence to someone on grindr isn't necessarily the person who you have messaged it is most likely to be a person whom they are affiliated with. And there is no way to be verified anonymously because the idea behind online verification is that the profile picture is not a blank space and who is going to be required to provide the verification for someone who is desceet for perfectly valid reasons somehow I don't think grindr would be permitted to verify who your talking to and the discreet profile isn't going to send.
So don't get me wrong any thing which is proven to be effective in safe guarding yourself and property am all for it but if grindr is considering this then what happens to all the profiles that are genuinely need to be discreet and they would have to either be non discreet or not be allowed to register. You can't have 50% of the total profiles all verified and the rest not wanting to for various reasons some might call it discrimination of sorts.Personally grindr should have an appointed team that actually verify the profile itself because how they can ban you for being an escort or a rewards guy or a spam when half of the profiles are already stating that they are wanting cash.
Anyway good luck have a lovely walk and use the video call function simple verification process to hand and if they refuse then it's your risk
Brett Ian Rutherford commented
Not entirely sure how to classify this request. Could you relocate the HIV status portion of the profile to a more prominent location so that people don't miss it. I know that there will always be people who simply do not read profiles - but there will be somewhat less of an excuse when its not buried at the bottom. I've actually had people attempt to report me to the state health department for not disclosing something that has been in my profile for years simply because it was so far down in the profile text that they never noticed it.
Ali Alali commented
Please allow Fake GPS/Mock Location for safety and security purposes
Anonymous commented
Verified identity icon on the profile. We need a process in place where you can submit a photo of yourself to verify the photo on your profile is authentic.
Corey Sefers commented
Recently, someone using a fake account lured me in to share photos and right up until the moment he was supposed to "come over", attempted to "s"extort us into paying him/her money. If profiles were validated by grindr, this would keep the spam and scams to a minimum. Here we are, 48 hours later and the profile is still up and running after I've reported it with proof. It's time for grindr to start verifying accounts as a requirement. If someone can't screenshot their drivers license, along with a photo of themselves to verify, they don't need an account.
Arizona Robbins commented
Yes!!! This would help rule out spam and bots!!!!
Ming Wong commented
At the very least, requiring users to send a selfie matching a selected pose or phone text verification like badoo would be helpful
Ming Wong commented
Instagram have started doing it, it happened to me last week where instagram wanted me to send a live video to ensure I was a real person behind my profile
Anonymous commented
Yes PLEASE, im also tired of homophobes creating accounts to harass a also ive got my photos stolen so many times im tired of it. This alphas the worst of it, NO other app has it this bad, or at all. FIX this now please.
bader commented
Please allow Fake GPS/Mock Location for safety and security purposes.