MKG ShADØ commented
Bonjour bonne je suis d'accord pour que vous me inviter dans votre groupe et Chz pour que vous puissiez faire mai ou pas Mal pour vous faire merci beaucoup
Steven Honeyford commented
Grindr just isn’t safe. I can’t be sure anyone on here is genuine. Meeting people could literally be risking my life. Grindr murderers are a thing now.
Leonardo Pimentel commented
man grindr charges a heck amount per month and still doesn't have verification? i'm sick of fake people using my pictures
Sam Patel commented
Hello I am from India.
In India HIV is rapidly increasing day by day because common people also using this application but problem is that people don't know about HIV.
My request is that please provide the information about HIV so that people know about it.
In India large amount of people using this application. And they meet gay people and do sex without condom.
And 75% of community is HIV positive so it's very important to aware people.
My suggestion is that please show ads, slogan or whatever u can do on app so people know about HIV else here in India large amount of population will suffer HIV problem.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Rafael Specht commented
I believe the app shoud have a section to report people whith HIV or sti's and intentionally spreadind diseases without the partner consentment. I live in a small town where top males with hiv force bottoms to do unprotected sex without letting them know about it. I'm extremely sex positive and I undrstand that it is possible to have safe sex having protection or doing treatments to become undectactable, however, that's not the case in this town (Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Anonymous commented
Make a filter at the top of the feed of 50 miles away seeing members and being seen by members 115miles away serves no purpose
Also make a mobile or host filter so we know who travels and who hosts
And make a std filter negative negative on prep poz undetectable or unknown to help stop the spread of STDs don't let members exit there profiles until the std tab is filled -
Toné St. Louis commented
Please for the love of God; Grindr is a sex positive platform, for members to have sex random, multiple anonymous partners. HIV/AIDS ambush laws in America.
Brings unjustified violence/harm Desperateness, loneliness based off accusations of: spreading a sexually transmitted diseases.
Please can you make it possible for Grindr platform to strongly stress something similar to this PLEA!!
All members using Grindr app. All members agree, by using this sex positive app, We agree to be accountable for our own individual sexually transmission infection responsibilities. By using this Grindr app. You are agreeing consent that, We will not and can’t hold a fellow members accountable for disclosure of my/their STD status, When a member test positive for an STD. It should be a violation to track down the source to cause violence, harm, retaliation.
This agreement should STAND… please!some guys feel like they need to be informed and given a choice to have sex with someone who has a sexually transmitted infection. But you give up your choice to know, when you’re using Grindr.
If they member wishes to know an honest HIV AIDSS or STD status he has that right. when it’s RANDOM hookups with strangers you give up that right to choose, but strongly encouraged to self-protect yourself with condoms.
Those who believe they have a right to know!
Maybe those are the ones, that shouldn’t be doing what their doing on. We assume and accept all sexually transmitted, and don’t hold a fellow member accountable by using Grindr. -
fred fontanez commented
I agree. Our lives are in danger until apps like grindr up the security. How is grindr charging so high for services without the proper security. Until grindr steps up the security they are helping the attacks our community. Make it so people are verifying themselves. Why make it easy for homophobic and self hating people to come after us.
Adrian R O commented
Incognito game can be fun but has to be safe for everyone unlimited account or not
Adrian R O commented
I.am closing my account today for security reasons, not sure how to open a new one with better security.
Toussaint Larosiliere commented
Jack'd, and Scruff have a verification system. I think it would be great if Grindr had one too. Right now there's no way to tell the real from the fakes.
07bji8 0i7hjy commented
Occasional encounters with fake profile is fun and part of the game. a strict verification will lose its attractiveness.
07bji8 0i7hjy commented
Usually u can identify who is a bot. Usually they appear at a certain time of the day, their profile pic appears very differently from a pic taken by a phone camera, and their opening conversation usually appears to be the same. You will be able to identify them as you encounter bots more frequently.
07bji8 0i7hjy commented
I do hate bots myself but a slight allowance for fake profile is acceptable as long as they are not disturbing anyone. Maybe they hv their own reason for a fake profile
joe romeo commented
Personally won’t be paying for any kind of subscription again until this feature becomes a reality.
Rob commented
Way too many scammers; bitcoin investors, “my English isn’t very goodly”
Alice commented
I should be able to hide my profile from people who don't match my filters.
It's great that folks I've filtered out with my criteria don't show up in my wall of faces...but I shouldn't show up on their wall of faces, either.
If I filter by age, only people in that age range should see my profile.
And I should be able to filter by any criteria, including HIV status and date of last HIV test.
Lazaro Adrian commented
Jaime K. Scatena commented
GrindR isn’t very safe anymore.
Junior Langkieo commented
I'm shy n free std