See offline guys
Have a separate filter for guys offline (limited to last 7 days). Seeing guys from just the past hour is too confining.

OSMAN TOKTAY commented
Kimseyi bulamıyorum Türkiye'de Türkiye'de yasal olmadığı için VPN ile bağlanıyorum genellikle offline oluyorum bir de fiyatları çok pahalı hayırdır içerideki götler diller altın mı 😇
Jug commented
People can just view you when ever and you don’t know who is watching you this can be annoying there’s lots of people that catfish and try to out guys on here and giving people permission to view my page with out me knowing or able to block that from coming to my page . We need a feature that can accept or not if you want offline profiles to just watch you .. I just don’t feel safe with people who can lurk on my page when ever with out going noticed . I have a twitter account linked and I just feel like people deserve more privacy
woo commented
ture, should show up for 7days when offline
Eric Soucy commented
I find it ridiculous that Grindr keeps people that are off-line listed. I have to go through 3 to 4 full pages of offline people before I can find anybody that is online and at that point I have to pay for the premium subscription to speak with them.
George Bonser commented
Fix/ update so Grindr more accurately shows online or offline. I message with users that shows they’re online, wondering why I’m being ignored - click on their profile and most say offline
Bailey Mason commented
It would be nice if we could set our profile to show as offline to individual profiles. For example someone we don’t want to block but we don’t want to know that we’re online. I think this would help lower harassing messages from certain persistent users.
igor merkulov commented
I know with the premium version you can show your status wether you are online or offline. I think it would be pretty cool if you could choose specific people who can see your online status. I know you can block them but then I would have to go through the hassle of saving chats, blocking them unblocking and then restoring chats.
Marty Spaulding commented
In the new beta version, saved profiles show up as "offline" if they haven't been on in the last 24 hours. This used to be 30 days, and you could see if someone has been on in the last few weeks. The 24 period is way too short. 30 days was better. Now you can't tell if someone has been off for 2 days or for months. Please fix that ...
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea!
Ddub commented
I think your should be able to not allow “offline” people to view your profile or chat with you if you’d like. I have had this feature and it is quite disturbing if you feel you have creepers or stalkers out there. Sometimes the offline users just view online people several times without saying a word. If an offline user has another offline user favorite them at some random point when they were actually online and didn’t know it, they are possibly being viewed and not chatted with, therefore gaining a creeper, soon to be stalker. I found that someone was doing that when i was just a basic user and i thought it was just multiple “offliners” viewing me but no it was the same person every time. I later filed a report because of this. It should be used in a manner where it’s not almost alarming. And also, others who are not offline should have an option to be invisible or deny access to those who choose to be offline if it makes them feel safer to surf the site and view its users.
Anonymous commented
I want to see offline guys,gays
Andrew commented
I would draw the line at 24hrs but yes it would be amazing
Anonymous commented
Agree with Brad. 9 monsters has that feature.
Nic commented
How did u hack it Jaego Markson
Daryl Rintoule commented
Id like to be able to see all my offline favorites as i used to be able too
Ron commented
If you do not want a certain or certain users to know you are actively on Grindr, you have an option to select which shows you as not active or offline to those users
Jaego Markson commented
I hacked this feature. it is awesome.
Clark commented
Scruff has this. It would be a great addition to Grindr.
Seany commented
No!! Some people like to be offline and only do the messaging.i support them. Offline meats
Brad commented
Put a border around the pictures of guys that haven't signed in for X number of days
7 days - color 1
30 days - color 2
60 days - STOP SHOWING THEM IN THE GRID. If someone signs back in to their account after 60 days, they can show up again, but why show me guys who haven't signed in for 3 months??