Taps optional
The ability to disable the tap feature from your profile. This way if you do not wish to recieve taps, other users have no way of tapping you.
Anonymous commented
Get rid of taps
Bill commented
Make it where distance always shows
Anonymous commented
More affordable relevant ads for small lgbtq businesses. Better blocking of spam, fake profiles and ****
Tajadean commented
No more taps
Kassim Khan commented
This is so very true. The tap just enables the insecure guys to endure this miserable existence for God sakes it's a great place to find quick ***. We should have no compulsion to ask someone for some love. The worse that they can say is that they are not interested so you move on. Grinder app is one of the greatest piece of technology that has ever blessed the gay culture
Anonymous commented
Remove this from the app. It is not a nessarry b thing to have. It's rather annoying.
Anonymous commented
All taps do is stop people saying hi, I don’t ever reply to taps as it makes the sender appear too lazy to say hello
Anonymous commented
Allow taps to be disable without having to buy Grindr xtra.
Alv Val commented
Get rid of Taps or have an option to disable them from our profiles.
Anonymous commented
Turn off button for taps
Anonymous commented
Completely remove taps. It's weird. And add ability to delete taps received.
S commented
Taps can be quite annoying. At least make the notification sound different
Anonymous commented
Taps are so dumb. Should be able to switch on or off and remove ability for others to tap you.
Hector commented
Just take away taps.
Michael commented
I find them to be a waste of time. If you can't start a real conversation find something else to do
Anonymous commented
Charge to disable taps. You’d make a killing.
Anonymous commented
You can delete photos in the gallery already.
Anonymous commented
Turn off taps..allow me to delete old pics in the grindr gallery.
Anonymous commented
Please remove taps. It doesn't serve any useful purpose and we simply hate it
Antonio commented
Soy un usuario de Grindr xtra, les sugiero que a raíz de que a MUCHOS en la App nos molesta recibir Taps, creen la opción de poder desactivar el recibo de Taps para usuarios de Grindr xtra, a mi no me molestaría pagar por esa opción de hecho pagaría solo por eso. Porque la verdad estoy pensando en si renovar o no la suscripción.
Gracias y espero tomen en cuenta mi sugerencia, saludos.