Free Discreet App Icon
Making the Discreet App Icon a free feature rather than a premium option would make a strong statement in support of people who might not be out of the closet.

D fr commented
It's so helpful since I live in a country where I risk up to 10 to 15 year if caught.
Anonymous commented
I agree totally respects a users privacy
Vargas commented
They don't care about ur privacy. They want to sell everything about u to the highest bidder. Don't kid urself. Once you clicked "I agree" on thier TOS, they own u.
Anonymous commented
Considering have at least a single distreet icon for the basic version. A lot of people do not want to have the recognizable grindr icon visible while trying to use the message. This would help in many places, especially homophobic ones.
Anonymous commented
There are simple ways to camouflage the icon without relying on them to provide it for free. (On Androud anyway, not sure about IOS)They don't really care about your privacy it's just another Revenue opportunity
Benjamin Anderson commented
Can you tell me who was tagging. Me
Iwan Ng commented
I put my grindr notification off from the alls but keep giving me " marima " sound ... It makes me anxious.
Adrian Justice commented
Also taking away the name and hiding it would be amazing. I’m closeted and still get scared someone will see it even with the icon change
Just another fat guy commented
The people who say that privacy is about staying in the closet, you are intolerant douche bags.
It is not your place to tell people how to live their lives, you claim to come from a life of oppression but when someone doesn’t want to live like you all of a sudden you’re bigots.
No commented
No, dont help them and their closets! You need to have it as hard as possible for you if you're in the closet because ur not helping the gay society overall with your behaviour.
Anonymous commented
Why are you deceiving your wife? If you are going to continue your life of deceit do your wife a favor and divorce her and let her live a life with someone who deserves her and respects her! Maybe you should talk to a therapist and come out of the closet and be a good person and just be honest with yourself and others and then it’s fair for everyone and you are not intentionally hurting others who don’t deserve to be emotionally hurt!
Anonymous commented
Absolutely Not! It’s the main reason why people are scammed robbed and hacked, do it your way and everyone will bring you out of the closet and you will be publicly offended! It is best for everyone’s safety to avoid any more future assaults scams etc! Especially if you are in a foreign country like Mexico!
Anonymous commented
Regardless of the discreet icon, the Grindr icon and sometimes even the word Grindr appears in other areas of your phone fornexample your Apps list.
Alex commented
The option to allow discretion and privacy should be standard, not a paid feature because like some, I want to be able to cruise on Grindr without my work colleagues calling out that I'm on Grindr looking for a hook up or my wife finding it on my mobile with the Grindr logo clearly visible. Thank goodness my Samsung S10 has a feature to allow me to hide the Grindr app on my mobile, if not for this feature, I would've had to delete and reinstall the app often in order to be discreet.
Anonymous commented
Better yet become a paying member like me and you will have that benefit instead of riding the system.
sigint commented
Amazing: You’re all whining about the icon and color of your hookup apps...
When the very same hookup app you’re using is flooded with bots that aren’t benign (just for starters!) ... and proliferate because they are beyond the basic ability of this owner to be removed, let alone they don’t care.
As long as it’s users demonstrate the kind of lowlevel functionality as you right here, they will continue to let the big issues proliferate.
Issac Larson commented
Yeah this would be great for me cause my wife doesn't know
Anonymous commented
When u click on the privacy Icon and also have a pin, the Grindr logo appears for a second? Why?
Looks like a obvious tell that the person has Grindr... -
Leon commented
I was just about to put this suggestion up, it used to be free but all of a sudden now its only for paid members, this can cause a whole load of trouble for people, I myself dont want the Grindr icon on my app list. I cannot understand why this has changed to paying members only, only for the reason of forcing people to pay 4 a membership, such a bad idea, which if your not careful may backfire with a mass exodus.
I for one will see how this goes, if its not rectified i will be deleting my account and moving elsewhere. 😡 -
Anonymous commented
Completely agree! This was available to all initially, but then after contacting Grindr, I was told it's now only free in some regions and in some it's part of the Extra features. Features depending where you're from?? LAST PLACE I'D EXPECT SUCH DISCRIMINATION!!