Unsend Message
Unsend message, photo, and location.

Leonardo Luca commented
Vorrei che nella foto profilo venga inserito il nickname per evitare screenshot di fake e in più la foto del biso che viene inviata in privato venga certificata troppo gente fake
Georgenis Arias commented
Al igual que la localización de las personas ubicación tiene problemas aveces no abre o está lento gracias espero se solucione esto
Georgenis Arias commented
Necesito saber porqué ustedes quitan el sonido de esta app de grindr porque entonces cuando recibo los mensajes no se escucha notificación porque la actualización le quita el sonido a grindr
Anonymous commented
Why am I not being able to delete my messages a day or two after sending them as well as pics?? I am a paid subscriber of unlimited premium
Anonymous commented
Vorrei tanto che le foto che un utente invia ad un altro utente si cancellano automaticamente dopo 50 secondi evitando così che i fake rubino le foto
Anonymous commented
If sent our pictures to other after seeing we can delete that picture
Juan commented
When deleting a photo it should be deleted from the sender and recipients chat.
Anonymous commented
Please please add this feature ASAP.Its really ackward to see messages once send by mistake can't be deleted. Later repent of such mistakes.
Anonymous commented
I don't understand this:. Block my location when I send my location???
Anonymous commented
I don't understand this: Block my location when I send my location???
Baby bear commented
Now your talking. Not sure if grinder are bothered
Baby bear commented
Yes your dead rite. Too many ********* getting pictures from people
Simon commented
Are you gonna somehow stop them from writing it down with a pen and paper before blocking you? What if they remember it? This is completely infeasible. If they were really "after you" they wouldn't need to block you first.
Anonymous commented
This feature should be removed. It destroys evidence against someone that can be used in court.
Anonymous commented
It must be emphasised that the picture must be removed from the recipient's phone and chat.
Anonymous commented
If I delete the app can the person I was chatting with see our conversation still even if I can’t see them anymore?
Anonymous commented
Image recall features from both sides
Ningkos commented
Flash photo sharing along with deactivated screenshot will make photo sharing a lovely experience.
Anonymous commented
Or unlimited blocks.
Sub_998 commented
I don't want this. People will abuse this.