Switch profiles
I have a "normal" profile on Grindr, with a clear face pic and a vanilla text. But I do have some fetishes, which I'm hesitant to include in my vanilla profile. So, it'd be nice if I could have more than one profile, so I could switch to my kinky profile when I'm looking for more kinky dates and then switch back to my vanilla profile when I'm just looking for "normal" dates. Currently, I use a spare phone to switch to my kinky profile. But this could even be a premium feature. Switching personas. Lots of people play different roles in public and private and during the day, night, and weekends. So why not make it easier for us and earn some money while you're at it?

Trevor commented
Why do I keep getting please retry
Wanderson Silva commented
Seria interessante que o aplicativo permita criar perfil para casal e que a mesma conta possa ser utilizada em mais de um dispositivo sincronizando as mensagens em ambos dispositivos. Hoje as mensagens chegam somente em um dispositivo.
Mohd Firasath Ali commented
User have two accounts sometimes,. For this he /she willing to change account on one tap. But the existing system is they May have to log out and again sign in with different account ids and again logout and sign in. This should be done in one tape I.e., swapping of account with one click.
Paddy C commented
Add an alias option. You get ONE additional profile, it's tied to your main profile & subscription. If someone blocks or reports either profile, both profiles get blocked or sanctioned. Have the option which profile to load when you open the app so both your profiles aren't showing beside each other therefore making it obvious. Make it a premium feature.
Anonymous commented
Switch between accounts without logging out
Anonymous commented
So I just come across a romantic interest that had lots of profiles and several running concurrently. Yes I did notice that one was setup very straightforward and innocent while. others were more sexual natured. guess because I’m totally infatuated with him from head to toe even if they were shot from different angles and body parts cut off. I knew immediately who it was. I had to google why someone would create multiple profiles now I get it. Still like him for all his sexual kinkiness. He messaged me not sure if he knew that I knew it was him. I invited him out for drinks again. Let’s see what happens. ❤️
Anonymous commented
Put some switch account button to easily swap from one account to another
Johan Anzar Cortés commented
Don't be two faced. You only have one life!
Anonymous commented
I want to be more profile
Edward commented
This is stupid, dealing with people creating new profiles on daily basis as they don’t pay for the extra futures. The app should actually block by device (as the one with the flying insect)
Yano commented
The idea sounds perfectly reasonable, however, I have to block people on a daily basis who use multiple profiles to send unwanted grotesque pictures of their anus.
Each time I block them only for them to return a few hours later doing the same.
Providing a facility for multiple profiles would encourage this harassing behaviour. -
Mahinda Wimalaratna commented
Grinder is very useful to find a friends and more
Anonymous commented
Get to add 1 more profile under their username for other ****** interests when they are looking
No Nam commented
I suggest you to try an app called island (android only). It allows you to install any app twice with separate data and accounts
Aleks commented
What if customized profiles for day or night, or mood? Not looking and only want to chat? Switch profile. Shaved beard and feeling that bottom energy? Switch to clean-cut/bottom profile.
Anonymous commented
Sería genial gestionar varias cuentas
Don commented
All you need to do is sign in with a second email address and you can set up a different profile. It really is that easy. No need to make the app more complicated.
Anonymous commented
i say why not just make it possible with your one profile to clarify your interests at the time something about hiding things from people makes me uneasy and seems like you should reconsider your doing it if you wouldn't want known for it. but privacy is still acceptable if it is your private life so how about just like a riding crop that you can turn on or off
Jesse commented
This can be done. Start with a fresh install. Open your files folders. Dig deep into the applications folder on your phone. Copy and paste it all to a SD card. Use grindrs discrete app icons to set them apart. I used to do it on my S5, s7 and S8. Make sure to use different emails. If you log in into both with the same email. You'll have to start all over. Complete uninstall. Then repeat. I have not tried it on the S9. Still learning my S10. Apple products don't give you that level of control. This process works with all apps. I still use it for snapchat. Gotta keep the day and night life separate.
Anonymous commented
I live in a country where it’s illegal to be open / out, punishable by imprisonment/ public whipping. Face pics are a no go here. However, when I travel to a democratic country I want to display my face ... however all those people back in the country I come from, (who are on the app) will be able to see my face pic and some of them would have no problems in sharing my face identity with others which could potentially jeopardize my safety/ career.
So for me it’s purely a safety / privacy issue. If Grindr cannot provide this service for all countries, then it could at least provide this service to those countries who are hostile towards the gay community as a service to protect us when we travel. I’m hoping this can be a ‘sooner’ rather than ‘later’ provision.