Add private note to favorited profiles
When talking with too many guys is difficult to keep up with the pace. Having the ability to create a list of contacts and being able to name it in a personalized way will help to remember the guys I have talked to.
Anonymous commented
So many profiles are landscapes or blank the ability to make notations in your favorites would allow better tracking of profiles.
Anonymous commented
Yes Yes Yes
Manuel commented
A note field to add personal comments on different profiles.
A commented
Should be able to add tidbits about the person, so that you remember who the person is even is they change their profile pic or if it’s someone you know you aren’t interested in and there’s no face pic. Little reminders to spark your memory about the person.
Anonymous commented
Notes section to keep things you want to remember about someone.
Anonymous commented
How about a check mark if you have hooked up with that person before. This way, if someone changes their picture or looks different you will still know who they are.
James Daugherty commented
I totally agree, I been telling friends the same thing
Luke commented
This would be a way to tag specific Ideas/Topics uniquely associated with a persons profile.
Example - You make a note for a specific profile saying "This guy is DTF, He Visits once a month, We have Hooked Up before, Dancer From Los Angeles"
Something Brief probably.
This would give a person keywords to remember from previous conversation, since sometimes they can get quite lengthy and it's hard to find information from previous day's.
Luke commented
This would be a way to tag specific Ideas/Topics uniquely associated with a persons profile.
Example - You make a note for a specific profile saying "This guy is DTF, He Visits once a month, We have Hooked Up before, Dancer From Los Angeles"
Something Brief probably.
This would give a person keywords to remember from previous conversation, since sometimes they can get quite lengthy and it's hard to find information from previous day's.
Joe commented
I like to remember key points about guys I chat with. I'd like to be able to make personal notes on their profile that only I can see.
Anonymous commented
When we add a favorite, it'd be greater to add the person's name so I know who the person is when they change their photo.
Anonymous commented
Add a possibility to put a comment at the profile so even after loosing chats you’d know who the person is
Top commented
Notes linked to contacts, in order to keep track of key points of conversation or contact information. ?
Anonymous commented
Free form text to be able to add your own notes to a profile, about anything, i.e. 'this guy likes animals', or 'this guy is a real animal'.
Kyle commented
Customizable notes for each profile to store information like their name since more often than not a users profile name isn’t their real name.
Steve McCann commented
A notes section where user an enter private notes about someone they are chatting with. Address. Phone number. Details etc so you don’t have to scroll through the chat to try and remember their address etc