Maintaining distance from those who use illicit substances is the default with Grindr….. It’s pretty hard to share drugs with someone sitting on the other side of the couch let alone the country…. Grindr requires jeeres to be 18 years or older. They are by definition, adults. Harm minimisation thru education and support is more effective and considered. Excluding anyone from their social network thru bans or invading privacy is unusual and cruel. Why not use the online platform that Grindr is to engage in something with greater potential for long erm good than an erect penis is likely to achieve.
Maintaining distance from those who use illicit substances is the default with Grindr….. It’s pretty hard to share drugs with someone sitting on the other side of the couch let alone the country…. Grindr requires jeeres to be 18 years or older. They are by definition, adults. Harm minimisation thru education and support is more effective and considered. Excluding anyone from their social network thru bans or invading privacy is unusual and cruel. Why not use the online platform that Grindr is to engage in something with greater potential for long erm good than an erect penis is likely to achieve.