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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Cyle thats so misguided. So i dont want to sleep with women… so i am biased and hate all women?? Listen to you… NUTS!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I’m so tired of people saying that you’re filtering out a whole group of people just because you want to find those who you are actually attracted to. You could turn the filter on and then you can turn the filter off depending on your mood. Because at the moment I’m not filtering people out im actually blocking them permanently.. because of the lack of a filter …so which is worse? Blocking someone forever that you’ll never see again or just going through a filter and seeing who is out there at any given moment? Please stop being ridiculously and overly “woke”. Bring the filter back it’ just makes more sense for you customers.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Oh and one more thought to add below. At the very least you can make it part of the paid service. At least give an incentive to pay you more money. I don’t like that either but I can understand it. Capitalism at its finest include the Ethnicity filter with upgraded service. See how simple that is?

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    The last comment below was so perfectly thoughtful and well said. That’s exactly why you need the ethnicity filter. It would be no different if he was a white guy looking for a black man or an Asian guy looking for European man or Middle Eastern man looking for south pacific islander or a Blackman looking for other black men. None of it matters. The app is just not nearly as easy or fun to use as it once was. Sadly it’s the most popular gay dating app and Grindr seems to know this. So they are under no compunction to change anything. I believe they could just slide the feature back in and no one would be the wiser. BRING IT BACK, BRING IT BACK, BEING IT BACK…. make sense???????…. RESTORE THE ETHNICITY FILTER!!!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    My Name is Maxx. This is a very telling conversation going on here… I feel it digresses into unnecessary areas that have nothing to do with basic personal sexual Preferences….of course BRING BACK THE FILTER it’s a no brainer… THATS WHY GRINDR HAD IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    I walk into a restaurant I look at the menu I order what I want. I don’t sit at a table and tell them to bring me whatever they feel I should eat… When I order a pizza I get the kind of Meat on it I want (metaphor intended). “ I am sorry sir I can’t promise you’ll be getting sausage because we don’t want to offend the anchovies and the pepperonis and the ground beef”. Silly of course…. Thats the point. When I go to the local bar do I sit down and say surprise me? (OK maybe on occasion when I feel like it.. MY choice) but 90% of the time I know exactly what kind of alcohol and what kind of drink I want. Usually I have my favorite go to beverage. So I’m more inclined to order it to make sure that’s the thing I get. I just don’t sit down and wonder why the bartender isn’t bringing me what I like, I HAVE TO REQUEST IT. That’s all this is about. I will take my very obvious and somewhat whimsical metaphor one step further. Do I expect A waiter at the restaurant to go through my menu with a sharpie and mark out all of the items that I don’t like or that I find offensive so that I will never see them again? but what if I change my mind on the 10% chance that I want to see the entire menu. Why is everything blacked out? Absurd. And yet Grindr is forcing us to do just that. My first 5 to 10 minutes when I open the app is spent blocking people. Block block block block. Gone forever… Utter waste of time. “ of course you can have a salad and some pasta but I can’t bring it to you until you’ve considered and looked at all of the meat items first. But I’m vegetarian!!!” “ no sir you clearly have a bias against our other menu items since I see you never ordered them and you always order the same thing”…. Sounds ridiculous but that’s what’s happening here.

    SO LISTEN… Just because it’s an ethnicity filter and deals with the race of users on the platform doesn’t change the basic fact that it’s a simple preference thing it’s not so deep. just like all businesses, the filter, just like offering choices, is good business. Grindr is the menu and I wanna know what’s on the menu. If I walk in for dessert I go to the back of the menu and order dessert I don’t waste my time looking at entrées. STOP BEING BORISH AND OVERLY SENSITIVE FOLKS…. BRING BACK THE FILTER SO I CAN ORDER MY FAVORITE MEAL!!!! And in those moments when I’m feeling a bit more adventurous I’ll go À la cart. much love and happy hunting (and much wasted time blocking). A Fellow Gay man!!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I am… For some reason whenever I post a comment it appears as anonymous even though I try not to post it that way. I posted many comments on this thread most of which have to do with functionality and ease-of-use and keeping the app as true to form as possible. When I read all of these hypercharged comments about who is racist and who is not all I hear is judgment towards others. I don’t hear anything about making the app better and more functional for Gay members. Men looking for men. Men looking for people they’re actually attracted to. I’m a white guy looking for non-white guys usually. Sometimes I want to see white men, but most of the time I’m looking for somebody different. That means I go on the app and spend 15 to 20 minutes as I stated below just blocking white guys. You open the app and the first thing that pops up is white white white. I live in South Florida there are plenty of Hispanic Latin multicultural black brown people here. But when I open the app who pops up …white guys…and i’m a white guy. I just don’t want to sleep with another white guy most of the time. But sometimes I do. But I have made the choice that I will take a chance at blocking someone amazing who I will never see again who is white just so I can see some of the other profiles which I am usually MORE interested in… this is an excruciating exercise. Blocking blocking blocking …what a waste of time. If they do not reinstate the ethnicity filter I will cancel my upgraded membership and go back to using it as a free service. Because right now I’m just wasting time. And that’s what it’s all about for me, functionality, ease-of-use, and finding what we are looking for as gay men… it’s either a quick fuck app or find someone to have a date with app.. or something in between.. it’s whatever you want it to be. And the ethnicity filter just makes it better. RETURN THE FILTER SO WE CAN PUT ALL THIS HYPER RACIST CHAT TO BED. Sign sealed delivered I’m yours!!!!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    All of these comments and conversations about what’s racist and what is not racist is very interesting and a great social conversation however it has nothing to do with whether or not the ethnicity filter should be reinstated. The Ethnicity filter most certainly should be reinstated. I just spent 15 minutes on grindr blocking people that I will literally never see again simply because of how they look. All different shapes sizes hair colors and races. Wouldn’t it be so much easier just to be able to find who I’m interested in and talk to them. And then when I want to see the broad range of everybody I can turn the filter off. But now I just blocked all these people that I will never see again. To me that’s a much harsher way to deal with how to find people I’m interested in. The ethnicity filter is an excellent tool there’s nothing racist about it taken as a simple tool to find someone. What ever someone’s individual motivations is completely on them and nothing to do with the app or the feature itself. Sometimes I’m looking for white sometimes I’m looking for Asian sometimes I’m looking for black sometimes I’m looking for brown sometimes I’m looking for Hispanic or Latino. Why do I have to block all these other people just to try and find those I’m looking for. It’s not racist to have an ethnicity filter. Now all the other comments are great conversation as I said when it comes to social commentary. And what any one person‘s individual motivations are are on that person and have nothing to do with an ethnicity filter. Si let’s please keep it simple folks 15-20 minutes of just blocking guys and not talking to or seeing them online ever again that’s just ridiculous ..RESTORE THE ETHNICITY FILTER NOW just for basic ease-of-use and functionality of what used to be an excellent gay dating app.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I wasn’t able to put my user name when I made this comment and I started a new thread I just feel Grindr is not paying attention. It’s quite frustrating and I will end my subscription and not renew unless they change the filter I just spent 15 minutes blocking people just to get to two people I was interested in. It used to be so much easier. Enough already.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    There are other threads on this topic but I am starting a new one because Grindr is so tone deaf. Ethnicity filter is absolutely essential to find guys close to you that you were actually attracted to. I go on grinder I spent all my time blocking blocking blocking. And I pay A premium for more services. Now I’m feeling it’s all a waste. Restore the filter restore the filter restore the filter.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    It’s disheartening to feel that the majority the comments are heartfelt sincere and want the ethnicity filter returned... and yet Grindr does not respond. The point of this is ... if you like it, then use it, and guess what... if you don’t like it... then you DONT use it. Pure and simple.

    Also... I am concerned at the comment below that said fake transgender profiles are being put on the site by Grindr. It’s interesting that I do feel a large influx of these type of profiles. As a gay man I’m not looking for a female. Again my choice. I truly hope this is not happening.. that would be very disingenuous and extremely cynical on the part of Grindr if indeed this is true. I also will not be renewing my subscription to Grindr since I can go on ADAM4ADAM and filter anything I want. And look for the exact kind of person I’m actually sexually attracted to. Did Grindr actually forget why the app became popular to begin with? COME ON GRINDR..... STEP UP.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Bottom line we use racial filters every time we go to a gay bar.... im lookin for my taste and what turns me on... and its NOT white dudes.. no disrespect.. plenty of other white guys lookin for white guys... BUT not me... perhaps make the filter part of the extended subscriptions. Im just sayin... like it or not we like what we like SEXUALLY SPEAKING. And theres only so much real-estate on the phone for profiles... and if its always stacked full of white dudes... then what... Ill tell ya... Block, Block, Block, so much wasted time just Blocking... does this make ANY sense at all. I WOULD PREFER TO FIND WHAT I AM ATTRACTED TO WITHOUT HAVING TO BLOCK SO MANY PEOPLE. Reinstate the feature ASAP.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Interesting, but we are not talking about algorithms we are talking about people. Who can make a decision one day and turn around and make a different decision in the next.... but still... my dick NOT getting hard.. and my Body NOT getting turned on... does NOT a racist make. Add the fact there is limited real estate on the phone. I need to get to the good stuff. If I’m looking for dairy products I’m not spending my time in produce. If I’m shopping for frozen pizzas I’m not going to be looking in wine and cheeses. The ethnicity filter is far less racist and far better. Because I can look for who I want to look for without deleting them permanently and another person can contact me as well making everybody far more accessible. But when I block them that’s it end of story final decision. So everyone I block is off the market and trust me I block a whole lot of people. Simply because there is no filter for my preferences. I’m not dating someone super taller than me I’m not dating someone much heavier than me I’m not dating someone who is much older than me and I’m not dating someone who does not turn me on physically or ethnically. Blocking someone is permanent.. locking in any racial bias i may have. The filter simply lets you look for what you are wanting that given moment. Far less obtrusive and far more open and fair. Its actually not as deep as you are trying to make it. It’s nobody’s business who I’m attracted to. And the fact that Grindr had this filter for so many years and still has so many filters means they understood right at the beginning there was nothing wrong with it. So why get rid of it now? No reason at all to my thinking.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    It’s good to have conversations like this because it exposes what real racism is. I don’t think there’s a place for racism in our world or a place for racism on Grindr. But that’s not what we’re talking about. The comment below exposes a common problem. You are saying that a landlord should not see race and should not take ethnicity into account when renting out a property and you would be 100% correct and I stated that already in my earlier comment. But your ridiculous assertion Followed to its logical conclusión ,you are suggesting that the landlord be sexually attracted to everybody he rents to so as NOT to be racist. You are connecting sexual attraction and racism and racial bias in everyday life. The level of absurdity is beyond the scope of reality. But that’s what these discussions are for a right?

    I’m not attracted to blondes for example. Blondes in general don’t get my juices flowing.. can’t even get erect. I skipped by most profiles with blondes and in fact block them out right. They are probably lovely people but that’s not what I’m looking for at the moment. So I block and I block and I block. Utter waste of time. But I have many friends who are blonde and I love them. They are wonderful people. I simply don’t want to get naked with them. Am I now biased against them? You’re over thinking something that is very simple. On an app like Grindr we are looking for sex, dates, hook ups, relationships, friends, all of the above. And you want me to pass over your profile regardless of whether I’m interested in you. Which only causes me to look at the profile scrunch my face and say no fucking way... BLOCK... Wouldn’t it be better to just skip that part and go straight for the guys I’m actually attracted to you “sexually”... I’m not selling a car, I’m not renting a home, I’m not a mortgage or loan officer at the bank, and I’m not looking to hire anyone for my company. Using ethnicity or racial bias to make a determination on who to hire would be wrong. But to follow your logic I am now supposed to be sexually attracted to everyone I hire to prove I am not racist. Well that’s a whole other discussion and we already know how wrong that is to hire somebody because you want to have sex with them. So why are you suggesting it here with your absurd logic.

    I’m just a dude looking for someone to lay in my bed next to me who I’m physically attracted to and makes my dick hard and my blood boil. That’s it pure and simple reading anything past that is just missing the point completely and like previously stated exposes your own racism and racial insecurity. PLEASE REINSTATE THE ETHNICITY FILTER ON GRINDR so that I don’t have to continuously block those I am not interested in NOR WILL I EVER BE. And also if you want me to continue to use Grindr as a dating gay male platform the filter needs to be reinstated as of now I find Grindr extremely annoying for that reason. That’s it pure and simple.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I would be very curious to know what the race is of the people who think its rasists to have this filter.... in the US the predominant race of those on grindr is white.... all you have to do is open the app anywhere in the country to see that. well i dont date white guys at all... my dick simply does not get hard. thats not racist... its a sexual preference. we are not talking about access to equal housing, or access to higher education, or How everyone should be treated equally at banks restaurants bars etc. We are talking about sexual preference which has nothing to do with the other stuff. If I open my Grindr and it’s full of nothing but profiles of those who are white. I spend all my time blocking blocking blocking. So either way whether it’s with a filter or with the block button I’m finding the people I want. But without the filter it’s a colossal waste of time to simply block block block. If you want people to be happy with your app reinstate the filter. Pure and simple. Who cares if you are the first profile to pop up on my app if I’m not interested in you I will block or move onto the next one. So just add the filter back. I’m tired of blocking so many people. I think that’s worse than the filter quite frankly and yet that’s what we are forced to do. REINSTATE THE FILTER!!!!

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I spent all of my time blocking and deleting people that are probably lovely but are simply not my type. There is absolutely nothing racist about preferring dark hair over blondes. There’s nothing racist about preferring short guys over tall guys there’s nothing racist about preferring Slender or muscular guys over thicker bear types. And there is most certainly nothing racist about preferring darker skin over lighter skin or medium skin, Asian, African, Scandinavian, Scottish, South American etc. so please reinstall the feature. Any suggestion it’s ethically biased or racist is pure baloney. My dick literally will not get hard unless I’m with a person that is my type. So what is the point.... unless this feature is reinstalled I am considering dropping Grindr altogether. Nonstop blocking just to find a handful of people that are my type. Truly a waste of time.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Based on the comments I feel there is overwhelming approval for restoring the ethnicity filter.. I can choose which age group I want I can choose top or bottom, I can choose height. I can choose weight. What’s the problem with using ethnicity. I block people who are too young and too skinny all the time just like I block people who are too old and too fat all the time. I will take it one step further and say if I go to the supermarket to get a frozen pizza I don’t hang out in the produce section and wonder where all the pizza is. In that sense it’s not very deep. Please restore this feature ASAP it causes me to use the app far less.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    I spend all of my time blocking and deleting other profiles just to get to a handful of men that I’m actually attracted to. If my main attraction is towards men of various ethnicities why am I not allowed to filter them. For years you had this feature I don’t understand why it was removed. I’m wasting so much time on the app because of this

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Please restore the ethnicity option. There is simply not enough time to spend blocking people so that I can see the kinds of guys I’m attracted to on the App. I have to wade through so many profiles of guys whi I’m simply not ever going to meet or date or look at. I don’t think it’s about being socially conscious. It’s about having an app that allows you to find the kind of person you’re actually attracted to. For example. I’m not going to look at a bunch of fraternity type guys.. when I prefer west Indian or south pacific type guys. Im not sure why this was removed.. I pay EXTRA for this app I do not use it for free. At the very least add it as an option to those of us who pay to use the app on a yearly basis.

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