My feedback
15 results found
2,178 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
20 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
40 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
30 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
21 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
390 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Craig commented
I was redirected here after contacting Grindr about how the app just got updated with all these new features, yet didn't include this one. I've been reaching out to Grindr for TEN YEARS about adding this feature, since they include searching for poz and trans people, but not chubs/chasers, and every time I reach out, I get redirected to one of these forums where the voices go unheard. What ACTUALLY has to happen in order for this to get added?
An error occurred while saving the comment Craig commented
They don't include chubs and chasers into the community because they want us to be as alienated as humanly possible. They think that anyone who supports a fat lifestyle should be treated like they're less than human, which is why they won't include us. The app has been around over 10 years, but they still won't recognize us, yet they promote bug chasers by having a POZ tribe option.
Craig supported this idea ·
41 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
36 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
46 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
2,397 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
536 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
9,428 votes
403 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
100 votes
Craig supported this idea ·
2,450 votes
The fact that this suggestion was posted 5 years ago and has been ignored this whole time shows that Grindr has absolute disregard for anyone that does not fit their definition of "physically attractive". They are taking a very Abercrombie&Fitch approach to their business model, making it not only not user friendly for people they don't want, but downright uninviting. They do not do anything about the discrimination against fat people because they themselves discriminate against fat people. This forum is here to appease users into thinking their voice will be heard. I've been on the app since almost the beginning, and nothing has changed. Nothing will change, because they don't want use here. They don't think we deserve the same rights afforded to the young and fit that the majority come to the app to find.