I am on numerous gay chat apps. They all sync between my iPhone and iPad. They are all free. Even the suck ass apps do this. Except for Grindr. And the backup idea is really pathetic. Reinstalling Grindr every time I use it. Really. Then I lose my chats anyway. Sad for you because I don’t want to lose my chats on my iPad, so I just use Jack’d when out of the house with only my iPhone, which is when it would be most useful. What’s the deal? Can’t afford the talent to write the code? Or just don’t care? There is no other excuse. Is anyone paying attention? Do you know that you are 9 out of 10 in customer satisfaction on huff Post? I am bummed because I want to like and use you more. Don’t you want to be used? Or is becoming a relic of days gone by good enough for you?
I am on numerous gay chat apps. They all sync between my iPhone and iPad. They are all free. Even the suck ass apps do this. Except for Grindr. And the backup idea is really pathetic. Reinstalling Grindr every time I use it. Really. Then I lose my chats anyway. Sad for you because I don’t want to lose my chats on my iPad, so I just use Jack’d when out of the house with only my iPhone, which is when it would be most useful. What’s the deal? Can’t afford the talent to write the code? Or just don’t care? There is no other excuse. Is anyone paying attention? Do you know that you are 9 out of 10 in customer satisfaction on huff Post? I am bummed because I want to like and use you more. Don’t you want to be used? Or is becoming a relic of days gone by good enough for you?