This just furthers the already growing problem of gays judging each other for things no one can control like Age. If that person is creepy block them. Most older people have self respect and don’t go after ******* Twinks that think they are the best. Creepy comes in all ages and bringing ageism to this already judgmental app that was created for quick hookups will be it’s downfall. If you need app assistance to tell someone you’re not interested, grow a backbone and be more upfront instead of hiding.
This just furthers the already growing problem of gays judging each other for things no one can control like Age. If that person is creepy block them. Most older people have self respect and don’t go after ******* Twinks that think they are the best. Creepy comes in all ages and bringing ageism to this already judgmental app that was created for quick hookups will be it’s downfall. If you need app assistance to tell someone you’re not interested, grow a backbone and be more upfront instead of hiding.