1. The ability to save hookups to profile along with the date of hookup(s)
2. Send an automated message from Grindr (to maintain anonymity of positive sexual partner), text message and/or email if they have provided one that informs them a previous hookup has tested positive for whatever STI.
This is important as many (probably most) Grindr users do not exchange contact information which makes notifying previous partners impossible through existing notification services.
The current outbreak of Monkeypox highlights the importance of contact tracing in preventing and hopefully eliminating disease.
The ability to implement contact tracing.
1. The ability to save hookups to profile along with the date of hookup(s)
2. Send an automated message from Grindr (to maintain anonymity of positive sexual partner), text message and/or email if they have provided one that informs them a previous hookup has tested positive for whatever STI.
This is important as many (probably most) Grindr users do not exchange contact information which makes notifying previous partners impossible through existing notification services.
The current outbreak of Monkeypox highlights the importance of contact tracing in preventing and hopefully eliminating disease.