I want to be able to hide certain profiles from my search results. Similar to block but I should be able to toggle it on and off in the filters. Block is too permanent and difficult to turn on and off. Hide can be used for guys that you'd like to keep the option open for in the future but don't want to be "cluttering" your daily search results. It would make the daily search results more meaningful. You could hide a guy that did not respond back but maybe as often is the case a month later they say hi to you. With block, they can't say hi a month later.
I want to be able to hide certain profiles from my search results. Similar to block but I should be able to toggle it on and off in the filters. Block is too permanent and difficult to turn on and off. Hide can be used for guys that you'd like to keep the option open for in the future but don't want to be "cluttering" your daily search results. It would make the daily search results more meaningful. You could hide a guy that did not respond back but maybe as often is the case a month later they say hi to you. With block, they can't say hi a month later.