It can be added a special filter for sex works as it is now the prohibition of specific words indicating the escorts generate General Misunderstandings and in average those are the ones always on top of the New faces or always on line.
Honestly this is not the primary reason why Grindr app was created and moreover this generate a general perception that the prostitution is something Normal in the gay community, especially for teens this can generate frustration and problems in accepting and/or outing.
It can be added a special filter for sex works as it is now the prohibition of specific words indicating the escorts generate General Misunderstandings and in average those are the ones always on top of the New faces or always on line.
Honestly this is not the primary reason why Grindr app was created and moreover this generate a general perception that the prostitution is something Normal in the gay community, especially for teens this can generate frustration and problems in accepting and/or outing.