Make everyone verify by credit card and cell phone text message. This shouldn't be so difficult. Make EVERYONE pay a $1 verification fee. If they don't have a credit card, good bye. Most people on here don't want losers that don't even have a credit card. This will get rid of the Spam that is getting worse every day. I'm about to cancel because it's getting annoying. And now that you took away zooming in on photos.. W t f is that all about?
Make everyone verify by credit card and cell phone text message. This shouldn't be so difficult. Make EVERYONE pay a $1 verification fee. If they don't have a credit card, good bye. Most people on here don't want losers that don't even have a credit card. This will get rid of the Spam that is getting worse every day. I'm about to cancel because it's getting annoying. And now that you took away zooming in on photos.. W t f is that all about?