Users should have to send a face photo to grindr which will only be seen/held by grindr mods to see of they match up with the profile pics they put up. Users who have done this could get a blue tick to show they are photo verified even if you don't do it for everyone being able to see the blue tick on the profiles of those who opt in means I can filter out the potential fakes. You could even have an option to allow users to temporarily show their verification photo to another user so we know it's genuine. This could even work for those with blank profiles as despite not having a display picture they could still have been photo verified and have option of temporarily sharing the verification photo with other users. Grindr would need to ensure that this photo could not be uploaded from camera roll and had to be taken live at the time of verification.
Users should have to send a face photo to grindr which will only be seen/held by grindr mods to see of they match up with the profile pics they put up. Users who have done this could get a blue tick to show they are photo verified even if you don't do it for everyone being able to see the blue tick on the profiles of those who opt in means I can filter out the potential fakes. You could even have an option to allow users to temporarily show their verification photo to another user so we know it's genuine. This could even work for those with blank profiles as despite not having a display picture they could still have been photo verified and have option of temporarily sharing the verification photo with other users. Grindr would need to ensure that this photo could not be uploaded from camera roll and had to be taken live at the time of verification.