All the T's send a message that meth use is normal and part of ***** culture. I never see T and party profiles on scruff or tindr....make no mistake: Grindr is the app of choice for drug addicts. Is this what you guys want? Is this the brand you wamt? You guys did a great job tackling racism. With just one message to users I stopped seeing profiles that were racist. Seeing drug addicts looking for other drug addicts is a total gross ***** killer. Please block the T.
All the T's send a message that meth use is normal and part of ***** culture. I never see T and party profiles on scruff or tindr....make no mistake: Grindr is the app of choice for drug addicts. Is this what you guys want? Is this the brand you wamt? You guys did a great job tackling racism. With just one message to users I stopped seeing profiles that were racist. Seeing drug addicts looking for other drug addicts is a total gross ***** killer. Please block the T.