Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1370 results found
hide my profile from my friends
hi, if you travel often with your friends who are also gay, you might stay at the same place like a hotel. then you might be in a mood to have some crazy fantasies and wildest ideas thst you want to write on your profile about to find right guys, but that you also don't want your friends to discover by just opening your profile which would be in the grid right next to theirs. it could be simply embarrassing or too dirty for the friends to know.
therefore the option to hide your profile from everyone who is at…
4 votes -
To many nasty mean people
Better attention to these bullies that continue to get on the app with a new profile and start all over again
3 votes -
Abonnement payer données et photo perdued
Récupérer ces données et ces photos quand on paye l'abonnement
1 vote -
Please unlock my profile
3 votes -
Please give indication where someone is exploring from
When someone is messaging you and they’re using the Explore feature, please give an indication of how far away or their general location (not exact) - this should ultimately help weed out spammers and scammers out of the system.
8 votes -
1 vote
Second account on same device
Need easy ability to have 2 accounts share one device
63 votes -
Make imposible someone take pic of us from here o with the phone someone try ask me for.dont put ne pics info online
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Can we get a more SFW version?
I imagine pics would be blurred until long pressed or something. Just make it easier for me to open the app in public to message without having to turn my brightness all the way down so people don't accidentally peek a dick
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3 votes
Don't be an enabler
There's an individual harassing people in our area and despite multiple reports to grindr you have still done fuck all about investigating him. Today he even came to my home and has threatened myself and others with physical harm. How the fuck do we get a response from you? We already had a bloody grindr serial killer take the lives of 4 young men. This stuff is serious. Police are not interested unless a crime get committed but you can at least identify these people and possibly kick them off the app
2 votes -
Proof of rule violation
When you send us a warning for breaking a community guideline, you need to provide us proof of your decision so we can actually see what mistake we made and how to fix it and we should have the opportunity to give our side of the context and defend our innocence if we believe we were not in the wrong.
2 votes -
Enable use of GPS (phone only) for location
Currently, Grindr stupidly insists you have you location settings on the battery draining "high" accuracy setting, which is GPS plus the Google data gathering machine of Wi-Fi. This needs to be changed to allow GPS only. GPS gives high accuracy anyway so there is no need for anything more which offers no improvement except for Google's finances. Having your location data from an app such as this move outside Grindr's or your phone's realm is a terrible risk, particularly in countries where homosexuality is illegal. We also have the right to determine how location is determined, this should not be…
60 votes -
Go undercover as a minor to find pervert
I already did this and was gonna reach out but I didn't know how to then I got banned.
1 vote -
YES or NO to Accept message from people without picture
A good feature would the option to allow or not people without picture and basic stats profile to contact us. If they have the option to not shown themselves we should have the option to not receive messages,
2 votes -
Make the received pictures viewable by tapping
Please consider making it so that we don't have to see received pictures unless we want to. This feature would be like Instagram's photo sent in DM, you would have to tap it to see. It doesn't have to be a disappearing picture on Gridnr, meaning once you view it, it would still remain in the chat. But please consider making it so that one would have to tap the message to see the picture, like "Picture received. Tap to view." This way a lot of us would be spared from having to see d*ck picks and whatnot on a…
12 votes -
1 vote
Moderador elegido con estrellas
Cada usuario que tenga un encuentro se la dara un estrella anonimo solo hasta que sea aceptado por la comunidad quien tenga estrellas por un encuentros mutuo podremos saber si tal persona es confiable en la comunidad para preguntas y respuestas puedo ayudar a que esto funcione.Desde ya gracias comunidad de Grindr
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?