Separate section for trans people and their admirers
I think trans men and trans women along with people who are trans-attracted deserve to have their own separate posting section. That way, trans community members and their admirers can better easily connect with one another. It would be beneficial and make sense to give trans people and their seekers their own platform, connected to the rest of Grindr but as a section within the existing app. You could call it GrindrTrans or something.

[Deleted User] commented
@rpipy bby It's not "transphobic" to not be attracted to someone. Like if you're a male to female trans, I am not attracted to you whatsoever.. that doesn't mean I can't be friends with you or any other trans person.
The fact you see "transphobic" in everything just shows your own state of mind honestly. It's the same for people that think a race filter is racism. What you're sexually attracted to doesn't mean you're suddenly racist, sexist, etc. By your very definition of "transphobic" that means a straight man is sexist because he only likes women sexually, or a gay man is sexist for only liking men sexually. You don't get to just throw around these words and act like they apply.
rpipy bby commented
So these transphobic assholes are the same who overexploit the words #equality #respect #pride #loveislove when it comes to themselves. You hypocrites are the only who need a separate section here. Gay Trans-men exist too.
BigBoyHotPool commented
I agree BUT SEPARATE THE ADMIRERS FROM the trans individuals . Hey
Josh commented
Personally, I think that's what the tribe category is for. But I could also get behind catering the trans community a little more.
Anonymous commented
it's absolute BULL. no matter if you pay or not, it's not difficult for them to block BOTS yet they continue to irritate their users. I love my trans friends but they need their own app as do "Str8's" oh wait ..they do ! LOL
AdminCommunity Advocate (Admin, Grindr) commented
Hi Aaron,
We don't agree with your recommendation that trans people should get their own app. While Grindr will continue to be an app that caters primarily to gay men, we believe being inclusive is more important than keeping the app only for gay men just because that's how it started.
We understand that everyone on the app wants to be able to more easily find people they are attracted to. We are in the process of re-imagining the tags feature. In the new version, there will be more tags and they will be searchable so that users can better connect. We will also be listening to feedback so that we can add tags in future versions as our users ask for them.
Our community is incredibly diverse and one of the ways we get together is through Grindr. We like it that way!
Aaron commented
Look I ain't Discriminsting against Transgender People, But I Strongly Recommend They Get Their Own App. My Issue Is That Straight Men Come on This App Looking For "Trans Only". I thought This was Supposed To be an app For Gay Men Only. You dont See Lesbians on Here, Why Should Trans Be on Here? They need Their Own Seperate App. There's Taini for Multiple People Of The LGBTQ Community, But This App was Meant To Be Striclty For Gay Men Only. That's Changing, So Is The App. I know Theres Filters, But My Issue is That Guys Who Hit My Interest are Only Into Transgender, It Makes it More Difficult For Me To Browse. The Transgender Has To Go, Because They're NOT Gay, Their Trans! lgbTq.
Aaron commented
Although They are Part of The LGBTQ Community, No! They Need Their Own App!! This Was Supposed To Be an app Strictly For Gay Men!! My Only Issue Is Guys That Come on Here Looking For "Trans Only"
Undefined commented
So scrolling down a bit couple comments from im assuming trans...let me tell you something, no one in these comments are crying about the space you wanna be men are taking up on what has been a man for man app. In fact don't you think you'd benefit from having ur own section. Well section is being yall need your own app. I don't have a problem with the trans community but what I do have a problem with is. Grindr isn't the same anymore. The fun has been taken out of it mainly bcuz yall are using a M4M platform to come into yourselves. Let's just call a spade a spade just like a trans and their admirers should have their space and men for men should have theirs. We aren't asking for much. We can all respect each other. But from a distance. Hop off lol
Anonymous commented
Nothing will change or get done here. These forums are a distraction to shut us up. I keep getting these emails but no feature changes on grindr. They fancy themselves some kind of cultural crusader, not a dating app. It’s over. It’s dead. I’m waiting for the next big thing. Hoping someone swoops in and fills the vacuum. Creates something for men into dating men. A rarity now.
Alex commented
I wonder if this can be achieved by implementing the recent suggestion for filter search reciprocity? ( Would it be beneficial for trans to be searchable for FREE? And rather than in “tribes”, be found in a section of a person’s profile that isn’t indicative a self designated and subjective type, such as “geek”?
B B commented
B B commented
I agree completely.
[Deleted User] commented
The problem here is that Grindr is meant to be for GAY people. Which, in today's terms means a man attracted to a man. It's not meant for a man that's now a woman wanting a man or a woman now a man wanting a man.. they can get their own app for that. There's specific apps for different wants. You wouldn't, as a gay man, go to a straight app and look for straight men.. they're not attracted to you.
The annoying thing too is a lot of the trans people get angry with you when you're not attracted to them. I've had many female to male trans people act like now they're suddenly completely male and I need to be attracted to them because of it. No matter how hard you try, a trans person will never fully be the other gender. They may look it due to medications and may act like it, but their body will never fully be the other gender.. like a trans man will never have a penis. Nor will they ever have the actual physical make up of a male.
Not saying they can't exist or that nobody is attracted to them since I'm sure people will try to act like that's what I'm saying. What I'm saying is they need their own app and their own place. It'd help literally everyone.
Patrick Green commented
I don’t even have a problem with trans people being there, it’s the crowd of “straight” men on with “Trans Only” in their profile. Rejection comes with the territory but I never thought my sexuality or gender would be a problem on Grindr of all places.
Michael Scott commented
They need their own app
Anone Emous commented
If you want a separate section, build your own app exclusively for Trans. Otherwise you're just gonna have to be lumped in with all the other gays.
tgirl commented
Uh. It's called the tribes filter. Learn it, live it, love it
Anonymous commented
I am a man, interested in gay man , straight man, bisexual
I am a man, interested in trans , gay man.
I am a trans interested in trans. This options should be there to identify more preferences -
Anonymous commented
I’m pretty sure Grindr doesn’t even read this.