Separate section for trans people and their admirers
I think trans men and trans women along with people who are trans-attracted deserve to have their own separate posting section. That way, trans community members and their admirers can better easily connect with one another. It would be beneficial and make sense to give trans people and their seekers their own platform, connected to the rest of Grindr but as a section within the existing app. You could call it GrindrTrans or something.

Adam Maxwell commented
Could be as simple as better filtering process.
Make gender in bio mandatory.
And add an additional filter for “interested in”
Then you can filter for only what you want to see and filter out those only looking for trans.These filters should also have a function that prevents anyone to message you that’s not what you’re looking for.
This would streamline grindrs user experience and aid in the prevention of hate messages directed towards trans users.
No real need to segregate them completely.
Arturo Reyes commented
I don't want trans man be segregated Gay man is equal to white privilege. Trans people as well bisexual people facing intolerance and discrimination. Trans man and trans woman deserve their own app or website. A place where their won't deal with the ignorance and be themselves. As bisexual, I'm still facing a lot judgement from gay and straight friends. Until people in general don't learns to accept and tolerate something different/opposite to their beliefs, morals religion and education minorities need their own space. Not aside, inside of this universe.
Because is forbidden here i doesn't mean umit is universally bad..In some place what is not acceptable, it us perfectly normal in other. It is just different and we need to respect and learn from that. -
Stuart McClain commented
I don't understand why we would want to segregate trans people or kick them off.
there are LOTS of gay men that ARE interested in Trans people. A trans man that is attracted to another man (Trans or not) is "gay". A CIS male can be attracted to a trans woman - if no surgery, they have the same genitalia. I think trans people mostly wanted to be treated the way anyone of their gender identy is. -
Robert Hargis commented
my problem is now there are so many profiles that you cannot block. I block, refresh and they come right back over and over again. I report them as spam but its hours before they finally go away for a few days only to have others take their place and then some of the original ones come back again.
EB commented
To woofwolf,
Right on sir and well said!
We are not 8 years old and be the better man for the win.
Mike Ruth commented
When I joined it was because it was supposed to for gay me but lately it seems more trans and people looking for trans I do more blocking than finding someone
woofwolf commented
Anonymous,I understand that giving trams people should get a taste of there own actions. But doing so would be wrong. If gay men act like trans people do on Grindr then we are no better then they are in their actions on Grindr. Most gay CIS gay men are not interested in trans people period. But we also should not lower our ethics to prove a point.
I think all we should say to trans people is we don’t want you on Grindr it was designed for gay men to meet other gay men and we are not discriminating on who you are but you are not welcome on Grindr.
Anonymous commented
We should all invade Translr, make transphobic comments on our profiles and messages like the STR8 do to us on Grindr, demand that the app rebrand itself as more inclusive of gay men, all while accusing them of being homophobic. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
Craig commented
Translr is an app for trans people, maybe all us gays should start going on there
David Portillo commented
This is absolutely true and definitely seen same thing here in California! It's just getting to be so unfair to Just being Gay! I will always be Gay as I was born! I don't have any attraction or interest as most Gay men want men! I don't find this fair to Gay men as what it was originally designed for! It's as if they are adding straight people to app. So I can't reply or share same interest! It's already hard enough to find someone we are attracted to and similar interests! I feel as if the importance of values of all the accomplishments to be Gay have been lost by losing the interest as Gay men ! I just don't get why it's gotten this far and yet nobody seems to care or deal with this concern!
Antonymous Q commented
They'll implement the change in about 2 years and pretend it was their idea all along. I don't have a problem with trans women. But the men looking for them are usually repugnant, especially since 40% aren't into t-women per se but rather need someone to boost their sense of masculinity or hide their homosexuality. Sans that, I'm ok with them keeping it the same. But I can always smell the closet cases vs the genuine bisexual or straight admirers. And frankly, I'd rather not see their pathetic faces, which are becoming more and more common (assuming they haven't blurred their pictures)
Filex•L•a Three•M• commented
Not important
Dylan Scott commented
You could also do the same thing with one of the dozens of auto-clickers on Android or iPhone.
You shouldn't have to, but you could.
Itsjustatemp commented
This has been and continues to be a huge miss for Grindr. They are more worried about being this all inclusive one size fits all brand for the LGBTQIA community and it’s not appropriate. The majority reason that people use the app is for sexual meet up’s. Sure there’s other reasons it’s used, but that is the main one.
They continue to take away a space that was originally made for gay men and their community to share.
They continue to ignore the request by Trans individuals for their own space.
They continue to ignore the request from gay men to have their own space.
They claim they are being inclusive of the queer community but you don’t see a ton of lesbians on the app trying to find meet ups. So that claim is false.
Grindr has the technology and the resources to be a champion of creating spaces tailored to the right communities to ensure safe and like minded meet ups.
Grindr is pushing a mix of the Gay and Trans community in a way that could be potentially dangerous or deadly if a user were to misrepresent themselves to another user who was expecting to meet up with someone completely different.
It’s time that Grindr stop ignoring this issue and actually do something about it. It’s clear that the culture at headquarters is out of touch with reality and the community at large would appreciate if you kept your work agenda to the offices at HQ and out of our social and dating app.
Alec James commented
Agree when you have the free service the app throws them all o your search grids. It’s annoying then I’m top of it all the “str8” labels profiles generally are rude individuals with their bold word !! Etc
Pedro commented
1st of all, stop limiting the paragraph to only 255 characters, Scruff doesn't do that.
2nd, it's for gay men!!! Not for straight men who want to get their fetish on with transsexuals or cross dressers! And no straight or bi couples!
What's the point of having it for gay men when there's no gay men on there!!
Make a separate app for those sickos who want to mess around with transsexuals.
This app should exclusive only for gay men or bi, who want to either date, want a relationship, or just hook up. No one else! They can go somewhere else.
Also emphasize that this can also be used for guys who want to date and look for LTR. I've been criticized so many timed on here just cause I want a date no sex.
And again, just for gay men only!! -
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
so, when was this thread originally started?
back in...
...april 8th, 2020?(´seems about right)
and it's been how long now?
over two years, soon to be approaching three — yeah?
soon to be three years; and most of us veterans have seen how grindR's elected to handle the situation: with the classic "no response IS a response" tactic
it's no longer a secret, grindR has been going down the shitter—speaking, in general—for years now; apparently this company is *not* chinese-owned any longer.
allegedly, operations are back in america.
but.. of the new "investors" is someone who "has ties" with the previous china-based owners?is this why we're going to be forced to suffer through this untenable mess?
is this why our only, viable solution here, is to band together to boycott grindR?
since, obviously, they're only valuing profit over people — banking on / taking advantage of a majority of users who aren't even aware (or, who simply don't care) there is an issue?LR was very respectful in their approach when presenting this idea for grindR's consideration; but we see this has afforded us no forward progress in establishing the sort of boundaries we cis-men who seek other cis-men need...
...nor, for the Safe Space transwomen / transsexuals (and their admirers) could truly benefit fromspeaking for me: it *is* bad enough, my feeling compelled to "accept" the presence of femboys / androgynous fellows, though i'm not attracted to them either..
..i wonder how transgendered women and the "straight" men would feel, if those sorts were to flock to their space?
i'd imagine, they'd be more welcomed there?
what do we do about "dedicated" transmen? i don't want to exclude them from the main grindR grid.
(have you seen some of those dudes? 🥵🥵🥵)
how do we ensure we're careful not to take this separation too, too far? -
Itsjustatemp commented
Let’s be honest here. Grindr has made its decision on this topic and doesn’t have the courage to address it with their users. They seem like they want to create dialog around important topics and ways to make the app better, but they stay silent. This has been a debated topic for multiple years now and nothing has changed. Grindr could have already solved this with free filters or additional sibling apps to provide communities a place to connect that truly allows more connection to happen. In 2009 Grindr was about Gay men. Now they strive to be the app for all Queer people and don’t care about the gay men that made this drove this app into the success it is today.
In case someone from Grindr actually cares to read this…
* the originator of this post is trans and is asking for a separate space.
* gay men want their separate space like they had when Grindr was started
* more trans people have ask for a separate space beyond the originator of the post
* people have ask for free filters to make their grid personalized to individuals they will find a connection with.
How has Grindr addressed this? By doing the complete opposite and/or nothing.
Check out the screenshot of what Grindr stands for today. It seems like their mission isn’t in line with the community that pays their bills.
Care to finally comment Grindr? Or are you going to just let this sit here unanswered for a few more years?
Hagen Matari commented
I think if grindr is really inclusive it could donate and make other, separate online spaces for the other queer communities.
Personally-it’s a romance/hook up app, It’s gross, upsetting and major, in a sex app to be exposed to now SO MANY trans who are an entirely different sexual prefrence.Grindr really is permitting the good space gay men had to be spoiled. I have nothing against other communities and those communities should be protected. But it is so wrong to put that in a personal space. My opinion is I consent to being shown men who are interested in other men. I am not consenting to trans, cross dressers, to extremely problematic ‘straight’ trans admirers looking for them and taking space.
I want to be able to use grindr for my preference and that doesn’t mean excluding people necessarily.
Jamie Andrews commented
I'm fully supportive of Trans people, but I am a gay man looking fir other biological gay man. There are so many trans people is getting hard to navigate. There should be an easy way to separate them without use of a paid filter.