Separate section for trans people and their admirers
I think trans men and trans women along with people who are trans-attracted deserve to have their own separate posting section. That way, trans community members and their admirers can better easily connect with one another. It would be beneficial and make sense to give trans people and their seekers their own platform, connected to the rest of Grindr but as a section within the existing app. You could call it GrindrTrans or something.

Crown Jewelz commented
If you’re nearly as progressive as you claim to be, you should know that the spectrum of queerness has evolutionized and developed immensely since the app’s creation in 2009. You’re pushing a binary form of queenerness that was fine in 2009, but not in 2018. Your claims are bigoted and frankly, disgusting. If you don’t want to see trans women, pay for Xtra and create a filter.
Jet commented
As of November 2018 Wikipedia defines Grindr as: “Grindr (/ˈɡraɪndər/) is a geosocial networking mobile app geared towards gay and ******** men, designed to help them meet other men in their area.”
Yet every time I open the app now I see women’s faces all down the cascade. A trans Woman who chooses to live her life as a female doesn’t belong in an app for men to meet men. As a result of this saturation of Females, Straight men have started making profiles posting headlines like “not here for dudes” “Men-don’t message me” “Cd/trans/Women only”. Sure, these “str8” men probably increase Grindr’s daily active users, but at what cost? This females on display for men to hunt paradigm is creating an environment that is hostile to the spectrum of gay, ********, curious and closeted men who made this App what it is. I have respect for all trans people, and it will inevitably require much creativity to implement a BLENDR feature that enables trans females inclusivity to connect with the straight men seeking them. But Grindr is not the place. It’s a ***** killer when scrolling down the cascade to see painted nails, makeup and high heels.
A guy can be as femme as he wants. If a Trans man hits me up, that’s great; I’m open to it.
But having Women, cis or trans, present alters the app in a way that negates its essential formula: Men looking for Men. Which is what the App truly is. And is meant to be.
It’s important that LGBTQ people of all backgrounds stand together as a coalition in the fight for civil rights.
But let’s not be so stubbornly attatched that we feel the need to invite lesbians and Trans Women to the post parade ****. -
Jet commented
******** is okay. Because that at least allows for the possibility of male on male. But I don’t see why a transgendered Woman living as a Female has any business on an app for guys to meet guys.
It’s causing all kinds of straight guys to make profiles saying female/cd/trans only. Creating a hostile environment for the gay bi and closeted Men who made this app the #1 way for Guys to meet GUYS for a hookup.
I spend all my time blocking profiles of women. And then what’s left is “str8” men who are looking for women. -
Anonymous commented
Or just get rid of them entirely. They can use Tinder if they want their own place.
Justin commented
Grindr used to be an app for gay men. Now it’s full of women and trans women and bisexuals and all that. It’s annoying. Let’s get rid of the women and make Grindr gay again. If they want an app they can make their own.
At the very least, an option available to all users to block all women and bisexuals in one action should be offered.
Mike Barber commented
Instead of constantly blocking women and trans, create a filter to just showMEN
niko commented
I liked Grindr as an app for gay men. I think "Transr" would be successful, and straight guys on Grindr who are literally gay-bashing and spreading homophobia can go there and the trans chicks won't get mixed up.
Bill Wright commented
Grindr is an app for men ... men who want to connect with men, not with women. According to intersex theory, trans-women are "real" women, as a result, they should be on a different app, one for guys who want women.
Maybe Grindr could create an app for trans-women, and those who want to connect with them. For those of us who want to connect with men -- who are sexually attracted to men -- the photos of girly persons with ***** is gross, and a huge turn-off. We want to see hot guys, and instead, we're being forced to look at ****, and dresses. It's disgusting. I don't want to see photos of women, whether they are born that way, or transition into it.
Most guys don't say anything, because they are afraid of being screamed at by online mobs. But talk with gay guys privately, and you hear they same thing again, and again: they have quit using Grindr, and started using Scruff instead precisely because they say they got sick of seeing trans profile, and they don't have trans profiles on Scruff.
Great a new App for Trans persons, and those who seek them.It's time the Grindr create a special app just for trans-women, and trans-chasers, and shift all the trans profiles to that special app, and leave Grindr just for men. It could be a marketing coup for you, and one that doesn't destroy your core business they way that you currently are doing.
David commented
It should be possible to search for gender identity (cis man vs trans man) as well as ****** orientation (gay, bi, pan). Trans as merely a tribe is in fact somewhat degrading for FTMs. Thank you, David
Anonymous commented
Create a space for those specifically looking for trans fun and those who are trans. It’ll eliminate the mix of two worlds where the users want somebody specific.
Anonymous commented
Have different sections or another app for trans people
Anonymous commented
There should be a section for trans women who are looking for men, where they can find guys who are only into trans women.
butchy commented
I hate my grid filled with straight guys looking for trans only. Put them on a separate page.
Mega commented
1)Make an area strictly for straight men that like transsexuals and 2)separate the transexuals from the CDs