Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1370 results found
Well I wish your company could get the distance set properly
Well, I wish your company could get the distance set properly
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Reporting/ finding someone who blocked you
Being able to keep a track record of everyone, even if they block you, so if they have something private, like a face pic or something and try to block you and run away, they can’t and can be reported. Either that or when someone blocks you, all your information gets deleted from them about you
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"viewed me" section
Either move viewed me back to where it was, or just get rid of it... Firstly, the recently viewed me section is so irrelevant, it just tells you who has look at your profile and doesn't want to talk to you. Tell me how that information can be used in any useful way? And now you've made it so you have to go through that pointless section to go to your taps.. Waste of time, you're just trying to push things in our faces that we need the paid version to see. It's cringe. The section is trash to begin…
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When creating a profile, it should be mandatory to complete at least the statistics section. It made finding what we want a lot easier.
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Add option to opt in for anonymous notification of positive stds results
Enable anonymous notifications of positive stds results.
It could work like this, for example. Introduce an option to request to be notified if a given person reports a positive std result. This could be reinforced by asking the other person to agree (otherwise it could be technically possible for a person to continously monitor the std status of another person without them knowing, by regularly requesting notifications from only one person) . This permission could have a limited duration - perhaps chosen by both. In case of a positive result, the person could choose report it to grindr which would…
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plz solve the refreshing on the grinder
solve the refreshing on the grinder application
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Fake profiles
Some one is using my pictures as their dp without my permission
I report that account but i havent get any response from grindr
Please look into this matter immediately2 votes -
I think the app would be very helpful if folks could also see who has them favorited. It might also help to see if you have a stalker…
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Safety for country where homosexuality is'nt legal
I come from a country where homosexuality isn't legal and I need to use a VPN for Grindr. Would it be possible to put other features in place to guarantee the safety of your users at risk? Like:
- End-to-end encryption of conversations/photos
- Possibility of configuring proxies to access Grindr
- Being able to pay for premium in cryptocurrencies (perhaps the most useful feature!)Thanks in advance.
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Permanent unassociation of email with accounts
There is no way to permanently delete an account. Also there is no way to make it so my emails do not show up when someone enters my email into the log in screen and hits forgot password or tries to sign up or log in . Due to the extreme nature of the privacy regarding someone using such a site it is insane that anyone can just put in anybodies email who lives on earth , enter it in and hit forgot password and immediately it will tell you "an account is already associated with this email" even if…
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Poter bloccare i contatti telefonici così da non apparirgli mentre uso l’applicazione
Sarebbe meglio aggiungere un’opzione che permetta di escludere completamente le persone che conosci nella realtà così da poter mettere tutte le foto che vuoi senza che nessuno che conosci sappia che sei tu
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Fake Accounts
The amount of fake accounts are so bad it’s to the point that i am about to delete my account for good. It’s making the app trash and I don’t even want to have conversations with anyone for fear that they’re just trying to get my pics.. There needs to be a verification process. You can literally create a new account with a email address that isn’t even a valid email and bam 💥 just like that you have a new account within 30 seconds.
It needs to stop or you’re going to continue to lose people from the app. …2 votes -
Ads and Evolving Technologies
About ads: make sure that ads shown on the app are not allowed to enter full-screen or even half-screen as this poses a security risk. Hi, my name is Ahmania, and this is just a heads up. Soon, more and more devices will be equipped in handling, storing, and processing biometric information through the digitizer and screen, with potential access under-display cameras that use infrared data transfer protocols or under-display finger-print scanners. This poses dangerous opportunities for bad actors to use ads as a means of data harvesting or data collection of sensitive biometric identifiable data. Please take this very…
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IP Address Block pernament
Should be able to block IP address, I have had certain profiles continue to view my profile and message this is concerning me for my safety, no matter how many times you delete and recreate your grindr profile the IP should be pernamently blocked.. this behaviour can get very dangerous and even though this individual has not done anything that would alert any authority on here it is still affecting me personally outwith the app please sort this..
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Screenshot notifications
We should at least be notified if our pictures, chats and/or profile is screenshot. Too many people screenshot pictures and use/send them to other people just to get more pics from others. Let us be notified if things get a screenshot so we can block and/or report the person especially if we didn’t consent to it.
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I Would Like You to Verify Profiles
There are many fake profiles with bad intentions in the area where I live. Additionally, there is a lot of identity theft. Just as some applications verify users through facial recognition with the camera, like certain social media platforms do, it would be beneficial to have a badge for verified profiles. This way, people could feel more confident when communicating with verified accounts.
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Horrible new tap sound
The new sound that you made for taps is horrible. I understand what you’re trying to do but the sound of itself is extremely annoying
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Suggestion for Implementing a Trust Score Feature on Grindr
Dear Grindr Development Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to propose the introduction of a "Trust Score" feature on Grindr, which I believe could significantly enhance user safety and also provide long-term benefits to the platform.
Recently, there have been a series of incidents in Brussels where individuals have used the Grindr app to lure victims and assault them. While no system can entirely eliminate the risk of malicious acts, I believe that a feature allowing users to assess the trustworthiness of profiles could be a valuable deterrent and a tool for improving user…
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Solución devolución de mi dinero o habiliten mi cuenta
Una solución podría ser que me hagan la devolución de mi dinero, ya que me inhabilitaron la cuenta en menos de 20 min o habilitarla.
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