Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1069 results found
High resolution pictures
High resolution pictures please. We have phones capable of taking pictures in 8K now and Grindr still violently compresses pictures. They look so muddled. Thanks 👍🏻
45 votes -
Notes on Non-favorites
There currently the feature to add notes to Favorite profiles, but sometimes I want to add a note to non-favorites. Either as a reminder of something we talked about, their name, or a warning that I didn’t enjoy talking to them.
46 votes -
Inbetween friends, and ***.
Add a FWB (Friends With Benefits) tag to the "looking for" section. Not all of us want simple one night flings, OR a serious relationship. It would be nice to be able to find people who want to be friends and hang out, but without the immediate requirement of **, but to know that it's an option without having to wade through hundreds/thousands of users who are only interested in ** only or PG-13 only. FWB would be a great middle ground for users like us.
21 votes -
Couple Profiles
Setup profiles for couples that can work on multiple devices. Or, link your partner's profile in the app.
3,180 votes -
More sophisticated profile
Even if it’s a hookup, most times you are going to want something to talk about before you unzip. Profiles are always loaded with user’s ridiculously rules, qualifications and expectations. Having a place to connect with someone on the basis of sports, education, jobs, interest would be a plus
1,899 votes -
“Looking Now” and “Hosting Now” icons
It would be helpful to have a simple toggle that can be turned on or off if you're actively looking for “right now,” as well as an icon like a little house that indicates you can host and a walking character icon if you cannot. Turning the feature “on” could either highlight your profile in the cascade or add a symbol like a flame next to your display name.
(Some profiles say they are “Looking For: Right Now” in their profile but may not actually mean it, so this would help with that.)1,739 votes -
Relationship Status
Add Polyamorous to relationship status. It’s more than just “Open Relationship” or “Partnered”
756 votes -
Ability to select 2 ethnicities
Because Middle Easterners can be classified as White, Latinos can be White or Black, and those who are Mixed will be able to specify.
348 votes -
Switch profiles
I have a "normal" profile on Grindr, with a clear face pic and a vanilla text. But I do have some fetishes, which I'm hesitant to include in my vanilla profile. So, it'd be nice if I could have more than one profile, so I could switch to my kinky profile when I'm looking for more kinky dates and then switch back to my vanilla profile when I'm just looking for "normal" dates. Currently, I use a spare phone to switch to my kinky profile. But this could even be a premium feature. Switching personas. Lots of people play different…
782 votes -
New Tribes Categories
I think you are missing out on a big community of people. The chub and chaser community. I know their are other apps out there but if you could just add chub and chaser to the tribes section you may get a lot more people interested in the app that are from the chub/chaser community. On occasion (as a chubby guy) I get lucky and find a guy who is into chubby guys. But a majority of the time I’m not so lucky. I see you added Bear and that is great but how do you find the people…390 votes -
Smoker/non smoker profile option
Profile option, also searchable, like Top/bottom etc. Would b Great to filter on non-smokers....
86 votes -
Don’t delete pictures when you uninstall app
Instead of going and deleting pictures when we uninstall the app let the pictures stay on the app so you don’t have to keep taking new pictures.
86 votes -
Location required
Every profile should be required to display location distance
79 votes -
Profile video.
As well as you adding profile pictures. You should have a mini profile video.
79 votes -
Profile picture videos
Clicking a profile picture to play a clip like Facebook has. Maybe a 30 clip of someone saying a little about themselves when you click their profile picture.
76 votes -
Ability to disable account and reenable account rather then deleting account
When taking a break from Grindr all I can do is delete account. Would be great if I could just hide account for a while and just enable when I come back. I had a lot of drama restoring subscription last time I removed my account.
55 votes -
Regional Moderators
To bring in regional moderators who would have the power to delete inappropriate profile text and have fast track access to the Grindr support team who could quickly (within 10 minutes) delete inappropriate profiles
76 votes -
Video as a profile pic. Upload video for sharing
Allow users to upload a video as their profile pic just like one can post on Instagram. Also allow users to send videos to each other either as permanent or ephemeral media
55 votes -
Grindr Stories
Make stories like Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat...
56 votes -
Video option to profile
Allow users to post a video in their profile for users to watch and see if they are interested
40 votes
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