Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1069 results found
2 votes
premium members should gain more visibility
Premium users should have some form of prominence that makes them get more profile visits and messages, similar to Badoo
2 votes -
View the read or unread message without entering the chatbox
View the read or unread message without the chat just see outside of the chatbox
4 votes -
1 vote
2 votes
1 vote
Lack of answers to specific questions
Find a way to answer specific questions and not give people a Bunch of irrevelant BS that has nothing to do with what they're trying to find out. It's like we are getting the runaround on purpose.
15 votes -
1 vote
Saved photographs and phrases should re-order them selves such that the most often used photos or phrases or at top of the choice list.
Call photographs and phrases it used more often than others. They should be easily accessible. Perhaps re-ordering them by frequency of use with the most used closest to the top.
2 votes -
1 vote
Incentivize members to fill out their entire profile
Give members incentives for completing each field on their profile. One option is to reward members with 10% more guys on their cascade per field completed. (First-time users who have not yet created a profile, for example, will unlock more and more profiles on their local grid the more they fill in their profile. Once all fields have been specified, all locked profiles on their cascade will be unlocked.) This is a standard feature enacted by numerous online social and dating services. Having mechanisms in place that encourage members to fill out their full profile will help put an end…
389 votes -
R49. Will be adorable
R49. Will be adorable
2 votes -
Mejores promociones..
Mejores precios en semestral y anual
2 votes -
reduce unwanted attention
A super premium feature that I would pay for: “reciprocal filter.” ONLY those who appear on my current filtered grid would be able to see or message me. This would make Grindr infinitely less draining. By reducing inbound messages from guys that I have already filtered out on my end, taking me off theirs would be amazing. there would be Less blocking, Less ignoring, and Less rudeness. More likely connections if we’re not so worn out by everyone else.
3 votes -
Quiero cambiar de categoría
Quiero comprar el otro nivel y no me deja
1 vote -
Video Profile Icon/Media
Would be nice if a short video could be substituted for a profile picture at least for Xtra users if not for all profiles. The option is available in virtually every other social media platform who's name rings a bell. A section to upload videos into a gallery would be acceptable also. Grindr has come a long way and I know this feature would increase user satisfaction and overall appeal of the app to new comers and old timers alike. Please consider this proposal with the others requesting the same feature.
14 votes -
Poderia ter a opcao de disfarcar o aplicativo no celular
Disfarçar o aplicativo no celular, como uma máscara do ícone de fato. Isso evitaria constrangimentos e poderia aumentar a adesão dos planos
2 votes -
Weekly subscriptions
Have weekly subscriptions not just monthly
34 votes -
Respect a contract. I’ ve Subcrised in June for extra for one year and after month or two being unloged it doesnt work
1 vote -
Profile videos
Just like private pictures you are able to share with others, you should be able to have a few private personal videos that you can share with another chatter if you want to, of course private pictures and videos by permission only.
46 votes
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